Old Gods

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History: This page contains historical information about IVAN that may not be implemented in the game.

This page lists the old Gods of IVAN, which have since been significantly changed. One might also notice some archangels were named after one of their respective god's other proposed names.
The information here was taken from various files within IVAN's source repository. This is simply historical documentation for interest's sake.

The old gods worked on a double alignment system similar to D&D, with axis for Lawful/Neutral/Chaotic and Good/Neutral/Evil. This was later scrapped in favor of a singular axis system from chaotic to lawful.

Each old god here is listed under their name given in Panthenon.txt as well as the form they took from form.txt and their favored location (?) from need.txt.
The old gods each have a list of alternative identities formatted as "Name, gender, translation". Translations are given from both the original Latin and from the devs' Finnish translations.


G++ L++
Working title for Valpurus, otherwise no different.
No translation, originally of no gender.
Valpuri took the form of a frog, and was associated with Attnam.


G+ L+
Seges is the light goddess of health and nutrition.
She takes the form of a cow, and her location is described as a "city on a flood plain."


  • Culina, f, "Food" or "Kitchen"
  • Salubris, f, "Healthy"
  • Salus, f, "Health"
  • Seges, f, "Cornfield"
  • Viva, f, "Living" (as opposed to dead)

Salubris was later used as the name of the archangel of Seges.


  • Heals when hurt
  • Restores lost limbs
  • Feeds when hungry, with pure nutrition or food items
  • Cure disease
  • Cure poisoning
  • Trains endurance


  • None listed


G+ N=
Atavus is the light god of charity and muniface.
He has no given form, and his location is described as a "gift factory on tundra."


  • Atavus, m, "Great, great, great grandfather"
  • Beneficus, m, "Beneficent" or "Generous"
  • Donum, n, "Gift"

Beneficus was later used as the name of the archangel of Atavus.


  • Gives random good items as gifts


  • Removes a random item
  • If no items to remove, reduces the player's gifts (attributes)


G= N-
Dulcis is the light goddess of love and art.
She takes the form of a swan, and her location is described as an "elven city full of bards."


  • Dulcis, f, "Sweet" or "Wonderful"
  • Decora, f, "Beauty", "Honor", or "Dignity"
  • Artifex, n, "Artist"
  • Amatrix, f, "Mistress"

Amatrix was later used as the name of the archangel of Dulcis.


  • Charms surrounding monsters
  • Increases CHA


  • Reduces CHA
  • Aggravates nearby monsters (draws attention to player)


G- L+
Venius was the light god of law and order. He later became Legifer.
He has no given form, and his location is described as the "capital of a great nation" (evidently not Attnam).


  • Iustitia, f, "Right" (legal rights)
  • Iudex, m, "Judge" or "Jury"
  • Legifer, m, "Lawgiver", "Reader of law" or "Studying law"
  • Venius, m, "He who comes" (name is misspelled)

Iustitia was later used as the name of the archangel of Legifer.


  • Burns surrounding enemies with righteous fire
  • Provides a steel plate mail


  • None listed


G- N+
Consummo was the light god of knowledge and magic. He later became Sophos.
He takes the form of an owl, and his location is described as "Hog" which was a city of Greek philosophers.


  • Consummo, m, "Complete"
  • Magus, m, "Magician" or "Wise man"
  • Sophos, m, "Sage" or "Wise man"

Magus was later used as the name of the archangel of Sophos.


  • Teleports the player elsewhere
  • Teleports monsters elsewhere
  • Gives a wand of polymorph
  • Gives scrolls of teleportation
  • Increases intelligence
  • Uncurses items
  • Gives a lamp


  • None listed


N+ C=
Verax was the god of truth. Like Terra, he was added and then removed at an undocumented date.
Not much is known about Verax due to the lack of documentation other than his position on the alignment grid and his form, which was a hawk.


  • Verax, m, "Truthful"


N+ C-
Silva is the goddess of nature. She takes the form of a huge tree, and her location is described as a "druid city in the middle of a deep forest."


  • Florea, f, "Floral"
  • Nux, f, "Nut"
  • Silva, f, "Forest"
  • Ver, n, "Spring" (season)

Nux was later used as the name of the archangel of Silva.


  • Summon friendly wolves
  • Cause earthquakes
  • Increase WIS
  • Plant herbs nearby


  • Summons hostile wolves
  • Polymorphs the player into a weak animal


N+ N=
Terra was the goddess of the earth. Hers is a special case, as she was introduced then subsequently merged with Silva at some undocumented point in time beyond Panthenon.txt's creation.
However, even after being merged with Silva she still remains in the game's code.
She takes the form of the very earth the player walks upon.


  • Terra, f, "Land" or "Soil"


  • Causes earthquakes


  • Unknown


N= L-
Loricatus is the god of fire, machines and weaponry.
He takes the form of a machine, and his location is described as a "dwarven city deep underground."


  • Faber, m, "Blacksmith"
  • Incus, f, "Anvil"
  • Ignipotens, m, "God of fire"
  • Ignigega, m, "Born from fire"
  • Loricatus, m, "Breastplate" or "Mail" (armor)

Ignigena was later used as the name of the archangel of Loricatus.


  • Hardens wielded items' material
  • Gives a scroll of change material


  • Changes wielded items' material into banana flesh


N- L=
Mellis is the god of money, trade and politics.
He takes the form of a snake, and his location is described as "the headquarters of a multinational corporation."


  • Auraria, f, "Gold mine"
  • Leguleius, m, "Nitpicky lawyer"
  • Mellis, n, "Honey" or "Tastiness"
  • Mercator, m, "Merchant"
  • Pactio, f, "Contract"

Leguleius was later used as the name of the archangel of Mellis.


  • Trades items
  • Increases CHA


  • Spreads bad rumors (lowers all god relations)


E+ N-
Macellarius was the chaos god of greed and forbidden pleasures. He later became Nefas.
He takes the form of a pig, and his location is described as a casino.


  • Macellarius, m, "Grocer" or "Butcher"
  • Nefas, n, "Sin"



  • None listed


E+ C+
Infuscor is the chaos god of wrong knowledge and vile magic.
He takes the form of a vampire, and his location is described as the "city of the dead".


  • Infuscor, n, "Corrupt"
  • Lamia, f, "Witch" or "Vampire"
  • Praecantrix, f, "Witch"
  • Sinistra, f, "Left hand", "Wrong", or "Ominous"
  • Veneficus, m, "Warlock" or "Poisoner"

Sinistra was later used as the name of the archangel of Infuscor.


  • Gives scrolls of teleportation and monster creation
  • Gives a wand of striking
  • Spawns tame golems


  • Creates hostile golems


E= C-
Calamus was the chaos god of crime and thieves. He was later replaced by Cleptia.
He takes the form of a magpie, and his location is described as a "thieves' guild". Cleptia later became associated with Mondedr.


  • Calamus, m, "Cane" or "Stick"
  • Cleptor/Cleptes/Cleptia, f, "Thief"
  • Fraus, f, "Scam" or "Fraud"
  • Furax, ?, "Dishonest" or "Thieving"
  • Furtum, n, "Theft"
  • Latro, m, "Brigand"
  • Noxia, f, "Criminal" or "Fly" (insect)
  • Perditor, ?, "Traitor"
  • Pugio, ?, "Dagger"
  • Sicarius, m, "Assassin"

Latro was later used as the name of the archangel of Cleptia.


  • Trains AGI or PER
  • Teleports the player elsewhere
  • Turns player invisible


  • Steals a random item from your inventory


E- N+
Cruentus is the chaos god of war and blood. He has largely remained unchanged.
He takes the form of a black dragon, and his location is Sparta.


  • Cruentus, m, "Bloody"


  • Grants a steel two-handed scimitar if the player's weapon is weak
  • Trains STR or END
  • Cures wounds gained in battle


  • Spawns hostile dark knights
  • Inflicts a large amount of damage on the player


E- C=
Scabies is the chaos goddess of mutations, diseases and famine.
She takes the form of an ever-changing mutant, and her location is described as a "mutant base."


  • Fames, f, "Famine"
  • Pestilentia, f, "Plague" (Pestilence)
  • Scabies, f, "Itch" (also scabies is a disease)
  • Vira, f, "Venom"
  • Vomica, f, "Plague", "Abscess" or "Curse"

Pestilentia was later used as the name of the archangel of Scabies.


  • Gives slightly spoiled food if hungry
  • Causes surrounding monsters to become sick
  • Trains END


  • Summons hostile mommo slimes
  • Causes sickness
  • Spoils random food items


E-- C--
Destroyer of Worlds, Erado the Master Evil. Later became Mortifer.
Erado takes the form of a grim reaper, and resides in the "chaos plain."


  • Erado, n, "Erase"
  • Mortifer, n, "Deadly"
  • Nex, f, "Murder" or "Death"
  • Perditor, m, "Destroyer"
  • Sepelio, n, "To bury" or "Scatter"
  • Trucido, n, "Slaughter" or "Massacre" (verb)

Erado was later used as the name of the archangel of Mortifer.



  • Smites the player for huge damage
  • Sends hostile dark frogs or bill's will to attack the player.