anything relating to ivan you're too lazy to create a new topic for

Oct 10, 2017, 5:56 pm
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I've always wanted to give the "gun" a miniscule chance to actually fire.
Or activating it toward someone would cause them to play along.

Maybe you could use it as a means to "threaten" some people in New Attnam.
"I think my associates were turned into monkeys." ~Shitty Bill
Oct 10, 2017, 6:55 pm
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Does praying to Seges cure lycanthropy/vampirism?
"I think my associates were turned into monkeys." ~Shitty Bill
Oct 30, 2017, 2:44 pm
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Does your relationship with cleptia have an effect of the whip of thievery?
Oct 30, 2017, 6:59 pm
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Batman? wrote
Does your relationship with cleptia have an effect of the whip of thievery?

Pretty sure it does.
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Oct 31, 2017, 12:39 am
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Batman? wrote
Does your relationship with cleptia have an effect of the whip of thievery?

Yes, and it increases your relationship with her every time you receive that unique hit message.

truth whipofthievery::CleptiaHelps(ccharacter* Enemy, ccharacter* Hitter) const
  if(Enemy->IsImmuneToWhipOfThievery() || !Enemy->GetMainWielded() || GetMainMaterial()->GetFlexibility() <= 5)
    return false;

    if(game::GetGod(CLEPTIA)->GetRelation() < 0)
      return false; //if your relationship with Cleptia is below 0, you cannot steal with the whip at all
      return !RAND_N(10 - game::GetGod(CLEPTIA)->GetRelation() / 200);
    return !RAND_N(10);

The above code for some very bizarre reason generates a random number between 0 and the result of the following:

10 - [your relation to Cleptia] / 200

If that number ends up being 0, the check passes. Otherwise it fails.
(e.g. if your relationship value with Cleptia is 2000 you'll have guaranteed success every time because it generates a number between 0 and 0, but 1900 is a 50% chance per hit because it generates a number between 0 and 1.
However the relationship caps out at 1000, so you'll only ever have a maximum of a 17% chance.)

In fact there's a lot of code in IVAN which specifically looks to produce a negative number and then inverts it to see if it's 1 or 0 and I have no idea why. It seems like a very roundabout way to do checks/rolls.

The part of the hit code where it checks if Cleptia helps and increases the relationship is:

truth whipofthievery::HitEffect(character* Enemy, character* Hitter, v2 HitPos,
                                int BodyPartIndex, int Direction, truth BlockedByArmour)
  truth BaseSuccess = meleeweapon::HitEffect(Enemy, Hitter, HitPos, BodyPartIndex, Direction, BlockedByArmour);

  if(!IsBroken() && Enemy->IsEnabled() && Hitter && [b]CleptiaHelps(Enemy, Hitter)[/b]) 
  //the above checks whether the whip is broken, whether the enemy is immune to stealing, whether there's a person swinging the whip, and lastly whether Cleptia's relationship with the player is strong enough to deploy the steal action
      game::DoEvilDeed(10); //make player more chaotic
      game::GetGod(CLEPTIA)->AdjustRelation(10); //increase relationship with Cleptia

    Enemy->GetMainWielded()->MoveTo(GetLSquareUnder()->GetStack()); // this is the part where it steals the weapon
    return true;

    return BaseSuccess;

Interestingly the code in there also says that an inflexible whip of thievery cannot steal items (flexibility must be at least 5, which is the flexibility of flesh and the most inflexible cloth materials)
System would indicate in graphic if person is mounted on horse or not.
Same system also show if person mounted on boar, elephant, polar bear etc.
Or if person mounted on ass.
Ivan find mounting on ass funny.
Oct 31, 2017, 2:56 am
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All I got out of that was the idea to socm to a human flesh whip
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Nov 8, 2017, 2:45 pm
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If I poison a monster and he later dies from the poisoning do i get credit for the kill?
Nov 8, 2017, 4:27 pm
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I'm not sure, but when you kill a monster through an earthquake, you are not credited with the kill.
Nov 8, 2017, 5:07 pm
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It'll probably show up as "killed by some other reason". Let us know!
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Dec 31, 2017, 12:32 pm
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Just learned that some creatures (e.g. spiders) are too small to trigger land mines
Jan 4, 2018, 4:29 pm
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TX wounded up on another island, so i figured I'd just kill Petrus instead. After the first attack I was horrified by my situation, remembered I had a ring of bravery and put it on. Found it to be quite a fitting pair of last words!
Jan 4, 2018, 5:15 pm
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Hahaha awesome
Jan 4, 2018, 7:29 pm
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Hi Lordmushroom!
Another report of TX on another island... I really need to fix that.
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Jan 8, 2018, 4:46 am
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So, uh, I've finally managed to beat the game. Sort of. I killed Petrus and all the others in the cathedral, took his nut and everything. I tried to become the avatar of chaos, but nothing happens when I walk out of attnam with his nut? I thought it was because I wasn't his champion, so I offered everything there is to him, but I still couldn't win when leaving attnam?
Jan 8, 2018, 11:08 am
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You have to actually pray to Mortifer and be greeted as his champion
Jan 9, 2018, 5:41 am
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Hmm... I tried to do that two times, but maybe I never actually did it in Attnam. Does your alignment with him go down once you've offered to him and became his champion? I got Neerc Seulb and then offered to him to get Champion status again, then I went to Attnam and prayed to him but got smithed. Guess I didn't have the patience to do it all over again. I read a Solicitus book and then became Champion of Valpurus instead and sat on the throne
Thanks anyway Capristo! I'll just have to win again
Jan 9, 2018, 1:02 pm
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Yeah it would go down slowly. Also keep in mind after you become champion you have to wait much longer before you can safely pray again

Congrats on the victory!
Jan 19, 2018, 3:28 pm
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I found Sherarax today for my first time, had a really good character with mithril plate armor+6, dragon hide cloak, artificial limbs, almost 45 int and e.t.c.

I didn't think that she is really tough as everyone is saying, so I tried to kill her in fair combat.

I oneshot her with my first hit, next turn she revives and oneshots me

That was REALLY frustrating, but I learned my lesson. Next time she won't get away easily.
Jan 20, 2018, 3:41 am
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badbeaver wrote
That was REALLY frustrating, but I learned my lesson. Next time she won't get away easily.

I bet she'll polymorph you into a giant spider one her first hit or something similar.
Jan 20, 2018, 6:49 am
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Does being slowed alter any effects like polymorphism or teleportitis? Also, would slowing/hasting a ring of polymorph effect its' polymorph interval?
Jan 22, 2018, 4:56 pm
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Today marks quite a feat, although the feat was not really done by me. I managed to get a hold of a scroll of body switch and changed into a tomb guard (big mistake by the way, they cannot read...) and ventured into the enner level of TX. In there I quickly found the two enners, and was lucky enough to kill the second with a fireball while he was stuck in a long corridor. This was going great I thought to myself and went on to get myself fed on his corpse. Lo and behold, right next to him there was a pile of treasure! I quickly rummaged through it and to my astonishment, most of the gear was highly enchanted! That's when I noticed the assortment of scrolls and wand... and the corpse of none other than Ischaldirh himself! Quite an acheivement Mr. enner boy!

Ninja edit: Also got a mithril axe +7 from Loricatus after the body switch. Bug?
Jan 23, 2018, 5:13 am
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Lordmushroom wrote
and the corpse of none other than Ischaldirh himself!


The poor old bloke must've spawned right next to the dear boy.
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Jan 23, 2018, 2:27 pm
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Hmm... So I've managed to traverse the entirety of Xinrochs Tomb now (thank you Ischaldirh/Enner boy) but I'm having trouble with the ending. I'm infuscors champion, got the lost ruby sword and the skull. Chatted with the necromancer, gave him the veil, and he told me "What are you doing, that belongs with the Champion of infuscor!" or something similar. What am I supposed to do to get an ending?

Nvm! Sat on the altar
Jan 26, 2018, 11:17 am
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A skeleton that was wielding 2 shields killed me today.

I question my life decisions.
Jan 28, 2018, 9:14 am
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Here's a little thing I found today, turns out Elianise's ability where she charms (Aka Flagrantly steals) your valuble equipment and items can also affect other's, including of all people, Petrus. I pett-ified her via Dulcis prayer, and it was easy as taking her to our good old high priest, and she robbed down to his boots. Though due to her low carry weight and ai she instantly drops anything like his armor, but NOT his Justifier. Have yet to win, but knowing me, i'll still probably be dead.

Happy stealing to our 'lawful' buddies.
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