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See here for older article.


Name Effect
AStr Arm Strength Ability to wield heavy weapons.
LStr Leg Strength Increased kick damage, ability to carry heavy items.
Dex Dexterity Ability to place traps and block attacks.
Agi Agility Increased speed and ability to dodge attacks.
End Endurance Increased hit points and rate at which you heal.
Per Perception Ability to see longer distances away.
Int Intelligence Ability to cause magical effects (such as changing materials).
Wis Wisdom Ability to interact with gods.
Cha Charisma Increased social skills, better prices in shops.
Size Size Affects how hard is it for your enemies to hit you.
HP Hit Points Whenever the HP of one of your body parts falls to 0, that body part is destroyed. You can loose limbs that way, but if a vital body part of yours (such as your head) is destroyed, you die.
Talents and a Weaknesses How easy/hard it is to improve attributes

Status Effects

During your exploration, your character may get various status effects. Depending on how you got the status, it may be permanent. Permanent states are written in blue below your character sheet, otherwise they are written in white.

Name Effect Can be permanent?
Diseases There are several diseases in the game, most with specific cures and no status to report the infection. Yes
ESP Ability to detect intelligent creatures around you, even if they are invisible or behind a wall. Yes
Hasted You are faster. Yes
Infravision Ability to detect warm-blooded creatures around you, even if they are invisible or behind a wall. Yes
Invisible You're invisible. Creatures need to have ESP or Infravision to detect you. Yes
Levitating You hover above the ground. Yes
PolyControl Ability to choose which creature you polymorph into. Yes
Polymorph You get polymorphed randomly. Yes
Poisoned You are poisoned - your HP will slowly decrease. No
Searching Ability to detect hidden things, such as traps or mines. Yes
Slowed You are slower Yes
TeleControl Ability to choose where you are landing when you teleport. Yes
Teleportitis You get teleported randomly. Yes
Ethereal You can pass through solid objects and over water. No
Gass Immunity You are immune to the effects of various clouds. Yes
Life Saved You will survive your own death once. Yes

Physical States

Name Effect
Very Hungry
Panicked State during which you are running and can't rest or attack unless cornered.


  • Lawful
  • Neutral
  • Chaotic