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Posted by 4zb4, Jul 21, 2009 at 7:17 pm
I just had a great idea!

A DIGGING level. Where you start off in a small room containing only the stairs upwards and a steel pickaxe. There will be numerous "pockets" filled with monsters and items (The walls will be made out of the same material as the earth to prevent detect scrolling). And in one of these pockets, there are the stairs down to the next level.
Sound good?
Posted by 4zb4, Jul 21, 2009 at 6:52 pm
I use notepad. I'll try to use that microsoft visual stuffs. Thanks.
Posted by 4zb4, Jul 21, 2009 at 5:27 pm
Can you start putting code in quotes?
And oops, forgive me for not testing it. I can't save .dat files for some reason on my PC. An issue yet to be solved.
Posted by 4zb4, Jul 20, 2009 at 11:45 pm
I believe you are looking for something like this?
chain /* meleeweapon-> */
DefaultSize = 230;
Possibility = 20;
WeaponCategory = WHIPS;
DefaultMainVolume = 500;
DefaultSecondaryVolume = 20;
StrengthModifier = 15;
BitmapPos = 120, 0;
NameSingular = "chain";
MainMaterialConfig = { 4, BRONZE; IRON, STEEL, METEORIC_STEEL; }
SecondaryMaterialConfig == STEEL;
MaterialConfigChances = { 4, 75, 50, 25, 10; }
Roundness = 3;
CanBeBroken = false;
AttachedGod = NEFAS;
WieldedBitmapPos = 200, 224;
EnchantmentPlusChance = 30;
DamageFlags = SLASH;
Posted by 4zb4, Jul 20, 2009 at 5:32 pm
Why don't you make a chain, which has metal under it's possible materials and give it the whip class?
Posted by 4zb4, Jul 20, 2009 at 5:31 pm
Thanks for that Iankill. I will implement that when I finally get my head around the confusing-as-hell source code.
These have just been script edits after all.
Posted by 4zb4, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:27 am
Yes, it seems you have quite a nack for bringing about the end of the world.
A pineapple for you, fine sir
Posted by 4zb4, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:23 am
Chao has turned into a thread necromancer!
The end is nigh!
Posted by 4zb4, Jul 20, 2009 at 1:54 am
I was thinking more along the lines of a mine that jumps out of the ground and explodes when I thought of a bouncing betty, and thus would be pointless in IVAN. Except maybe if the damage was more targeted at the torso and head maybe, instead of the legs up like a normal mine...
But I don't think it is possible for an object to explode and create more objects that, in turn, explode. I could try.

EDIT: I could try making it that the mine explodes and sends out fireball wand particles maybe? That might work.
Posted by 4zb4, Jul 19, 2009 at 7:05 pm
Hello again.
Recently, my computer has decided that I am not allowed to use .dat files anymore. Any attempt to save, copy, delete or move a .dat file returns me the "Cannot save/copy/delete (file).dat. Access is denied" error.
Access should not in fact be denied, as the files are mine, under my ownership with full control in my documents. I have a feeling some asshole of a security program is blocking my use of .dat files (could be mistaken for system files).
So could anyone help with this?

EDIT: More info. It won't let me save any of the .dat files in the atomicIVAN directory, but in any other IVAN I can do whatever I please with them. This is very strange. I suspect maybe atomicIVAN got virused, or corrupted or something. Now I have 4 copies of it scattered about my computer which I cannot delete due to the "Access Denied" problem. Ignore this. This is no longer true.