badbeaver wrote
Great ideas, but I don't think that fucking everything and masturbating would suit this game's style. (but I may be wrong)
Yeaahhh... i think i got to carried away while writting this post, sorry for that.
badbeaver wrote
-Maybe sex should permanently boost wisdom for a little bit, like science talking.
I was thinking that a charisma may fit a little bit better as boost
badbeaver wrote
-Player should not just receive crotch damage, NPC's should kick him in his croctch
That's what i meant, but yeah, you got that idea right
badbeaver wrote
-Fucking everything is a stretch, I don't think that it should be that way. Mistresses, slaves, prostitutes and maybe Female Servants (after liberation of New Attnam) are fine.
Is probably better that way. But still, special interactions like trying to your "banana" in a beartrap should stay just for the sake of comedy.
One last thing i would like to add is that one the reasons i started playing IVAN was beacause of his focus on comedy, hell i remenber the first i played the game i lost both legs and later i got killed by a hedgehog.
Even if this feature is not added(and most probably will not) i just want to encourage the development of similar features that would add up to the comedy side of the game and/or keep making the game more ridiculous.