red_kangaroo wrote
Thank you and great work setting up the new CI/CD!

Any time. Christmas is a good natural deadline though.
It's a good thing our INSTALL file is so comprehensive, and props to the guys who set up all those macos build scripts in the ci folder. Those are definitely still actively useful.
I was stuck conceptually the day before trying to build on ubuntu-latest. It later occurred to me that I should simply select macos-latest. Silly really.
In that vein, Microsoft's ci tooling is pretty impressive. I wonder what the catch is though? I know they came out with GitHub Copilot based on everyone's code (we should run some tests with it and see if we can get it to spit out some IVAN source code - we have some notoriously unique class and function names, hehe).
The windows build is the first to be built using proper GNU tooling for a long time. More sensible than that whack-ass MXE compiler, even if it gave a fully static binary exe. I really had no idea where those dependencies came from. At least with msys2 it's easy to trace it back to trusted maintainers.
Also easy now is finding dlls using cmake, definitely solved that headache once and for all.