Planning for Release

Yesterday, 1:19 am
Joined: Sep 5, 2010
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sadly, sane versioning is almost forgotten these days, so there is little reason to stick to it, i believe. i tried to recommend IVAN to several people, and some of them said: "oh, it's still 0.59? i'd better wait for 1.0, or even 1.1 then, it is definitely not ready for playing yet."

of course, hardcore RL fans know that no roguelike is ever "finished", and they all at 0.x permanently. but i believe that many "non-RL fans" could enjoy IVAN too. why don't make it slightly easier for them by removing the imaginary "0.x barrier"? IVAN is already more attractive to… let's say "casual" players, with its graphics instead of ASCII. and blood, and gore. so i think that we may cheat a little. it may not help to get wider audience, but there's no harm trying.

i.e. just bump the version number, without much phanfares. consider it "0.60" internally, but use "1.1" for public announcement. "0.59" was released almost 3 years ago, so it's fair to assume that the game went all the way to "1.0" and further during that time. version bump won't look as pure cheating (even if it is .
Yesterday, 3:55 am
Joined: Apr 2, 2014
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Given that we currently have mostly fixes for the next release, I don't think I really like the idea of bumping it up to 1.x

But waiting for IVAN 1.0 is hilarious. Maybe in 60 years?
Yesterday, 4:06 am
Joined: Sep 5, 2010
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but "mostly fixes" means that the game is feature-stable! what else do you need to declare it "1.0"?!

anyway, it was just a suggestion, i never intended to push you all in that direction. just thought that the number looks nice, and won't hurt.

p.s.: will it work if i bump k8I to "666.x"? everybody knows that there is "0." before it, so it can be simply omited. so vanilla is "v60" now.
Yesterday, 4:51 am
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We could have regressive versioning, starting at 1.0 and then counting backwards... "0.99, 0.98, 0.97...". That would really confuse them.

Makes you wonder what happens at version zero?
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Yesterday, 5:21 am
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fejoa wrote
We could have regressive versioning, starting at 1.0 and then counting backwards... "0.99, 0.98, 0.97...". That would really confuse them.

Makes you wonder what happens at version zero?

Or when we collide with 0.59 from the other direction... Anyway, I like that!
Yesterday, 5:22 am
Joined: Sep 5, 2010
Interests: make more ivans!
Posts: 311
great idea. totally "ivanesque".
Yesterday, 5:23 am
Joined: Apr 2, 2014
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vasiliy wrote
p.s.: will it work if i bump k8I to "666.x"? everybody knows that there is "0." before it, so it can be simply omited. so vanilla is "v60" now.

For one thing I develop, I did it the other way around. I went from v91 to v1.0.0 Very clear, not confusing at all!
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