
Oct 28, 2016, 6:13 am
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Ighalli wrote
I'm of the opinion that the git history speaks for itself as far as modern authorship, but I'll go with the flow.

This is true. Not to forget there are some people who have also contributed with their ideas and suggestions, for which the Authors file would be a good place to acknowledge them as well.

We could add two sections at the end of the file and list programmers and idea contributors in alphabetical order.
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Nov 5, 2016, 6:42 pm
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Instead of randomly bouncing you to a different tile and producing an amusing message, teleporting into a monster should cause it to explode into chunks.
To ensure it isn't easily abusable though we'd need to put in some limitations that I haven't really thought too hard about:

  • Maybe you can only telefrag monsters of a smaller/larger SIZ than yourself? If you try it on a disproportionately sized monster you just get bounced off like normal (or killed if you tried it on purpose?)
  • Instead of the above, maybe there should be a check of your stats against the monster's - maybe INT, or STR values?
  • Of course, you should not be able to telefrag named or important monsters/NPCs
System would indicate in graphic if person is mounted on horse or not.
Same system also show if person mounted on boar, elephant, polar bear etc.
Or if person mounted on ass.
Ivan find mounting on ass funny.
Nov 5, 2016, 6:46 pm
Ex-Tyrant of the IVANers

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I can imagine four possible outcomes when teleporting to an occupied square:

1. Bounce off, teleport elsewhere randomly.
2. You telefrag them.
3. You get (partially) telefragged (parts of you wind up in different places)
4. You take their spot and they are forcibly teleported elsewhere. (Perhaps to where you just were?)
"Put more stuff in the... thing where... more stuff goes in."
Nov 5, 2016, 9:27 pm
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4zb4 wrote

Instead of randomly bouncing you to a different tile and producing an amusing message, teleporting into a monster should cause it to explode into chunks.

Or some of the monster's bodyparts could be exchanged for yours and vice versa?
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Nov 5, 2016, 11:15 pm
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I knew telefragging would come up again. Too amusing an idea, too many potential outcomes for a game like IVAN. For maximum fun, we could probably have multiple outcomes depending on various stats. Like, if your strength is high enough but your int isn't, you can frag them but end up with monster parts (and if you have polymorph control, you can choose, maybe), or if your int is high enough but your strength isn't, you just displace them entirely. If you're lacking in both strength and int, you get fragged yourself, while if your stats are borderline, both get partially fragged. Whereas the size difference could be overcome with endurance perhaps.
Uchuudonge wrote
creating stable chaos
making patterns where there should be none
sewing order into the chaos
you spit in the face of random numbers, of chaos
Nov 6, 2016, 12:09 am
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I like the conditional outcome ideas chao!
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Nov 7, 2016, 10:01 am
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9:51 pm Ischaldirh it's not like anyone would stop you from wandering off into the wilderness (and starving to death)
9:51 pm Ischaldirh ...or you could just... leave
9:51 pm Ischaldirh Go in this cave totally unsupervised, and do this insane task that none of my guards can do. If you do, you're a free man.

Interesting, you basically have no incentive to do the game. there should be a time limit before the residents of attnam get hostile. or something.
Nov 7, 2016, 10:24 am
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There's a time limit before really really nasty enemies start spawning regardless of your danger level. At least in the dungeons.
Nov 17, 2016, 1:28 pm
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Maybe metal aligned to Mortifer as valpurium is aligned with Valpurus?
Nov 17, 2016, 2:02 pm
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There is psypher, a material aligned with Mortifer, in CLIVAN. I would love to see it in vanilla.
Nov 18, 2016, 4:13 am
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There should be ways to change your Size attribute. Being hungry or worse should abuse it, slowly decreasing it as you're getting gaunt, while being satiated or more full should train and increase it.
Nov 25, 2016, 8:13 am
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Along with your suggestions, I'd also like to have ASTR, LSTR and END influence your total SIZ.

Biggest problem with the size attribute is that I'm not sure it's going to make a significant difference unless you have substantially larger/smaller size than normal.
For example, things like bats, magpies and floating eyes are very hard to hit because they're very small - if we're talking reasonable changes to the size attribute I think it'd end up being more for flavor than anything.

But then again, there's no reason why we couldn't expand what size does, or more importantly, come to a decision on what it actually stands for.

The old idea was height (as discussed elsewhere) but ther
System would indicate in graphic if person is mounted on horse or not.
Same system also show if person mounted on boar, elephant, polar bear etc.
Or if person mounted on ass.
Ivan find mounting on ass funny.
Nov 26, 2016, 11:00 am
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4zb4 wrote
Along with your suggestions, I'd also like to have ASTR, LSTR and END influence your total SIZ.

Yeah, that would be nice.

4zb4 wrote
Biggest problem with the size attribute is that I'm not sure it's going to make a significant difference unless you have substantially larger/smaller size than normal. (...) I think it'd end up being more for flavor than anything.

Well, I don't think we should limit ourselves too much by being realistic. Starving yourself until you have size 30 would be hilarious!

Neither am I opposed to a pure flavor approach. It would be simply nice to see the number change as you train/abuse your body, even if the effect was so small to be negligible.

4zb4 wrote
The old idea was height (as discussed elsewhere)

I think I know the discussion, but we could as well just take it as an abstract number, because otherwise changing your size does not make much sense.

4zb4 wrote

Nov 26, 2016, 12:01 pm
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fejoa wrote
Or some of the monster's bodyparts could be exchanged for yours and vice versa?

I like this idea. all of a sudden you have kobold arms.....or purple light crystal arms! could be abused. should have a small chance of something terrible happening to offset abuse.

I would like to see wands of door creation knock monsters back a square if zapped at them, like being kicked. would add a good use for them, and make them kind of a safety throw. if you are cornered and need a minute to try and regroup and see if you can get out of the situation alive . They aren't currently very useful (except in one or two rare circumstances), so it would make an otherwise rare kind of useless item into something desirable. Maybe offset the new feature by making the doors spawn occaisanally with high metals (octiron, etc) with hard to find keylocks (octagonal,hexagonal) so that while saving yourself you create a potentially annoying roadblock (stuck in a hallway with no teleport or digging, and your path out blocked by a locked adamantine door!)
Nov 26, 2016, 2:11 pm
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Batman? wrote
I like this idea. all of a sudden you have kobold arms.....or purple light crystal arms! could be abused. should have a small chance of something terrible happening to offset abuse.

Head-swapping could happen sometimes. Getting head-swapped with a skeleton (or zombie, or golemn, or any other non-alive creature) would probably end poorly.

Also, how would this system handle landing on a limbless creature, like an animal or what-have-you?
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Nov 26, 2016, 4:44 pm
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Ischaldirh wrote
Getting head-swapped with a skeleton (or zombie, or golemn, or any other non-alive creature) would probably end poorly.

It would be great if the system could swap your Int and Wis when your head is swapped.

I don't think it should kill you to get a skeleton head - not realistic, but awsome to walk around with a bare skull for head. After all, it's undead, so it has some magic to get you going.

Related because of skeleton head:

Ischaldirh wrote
Also, how would this system handle landing on a limbless creature, like an animal or what-have-you?

I'd say just telefrag them into copious amounts of blood, without a limb swap.
Nov 26, 2016, 5:57 pm
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red_kangaroo wrote
It would be great if the system could swap your Int and Wis when your head is swapped.

I don't think it should kill you to get a skeleton head - not realistic, but awsome to walk around with a bare skull for head. After all, it's undead, so it has some magic to get you going.

In my mind the "player" would stay with the head. In that sense, having a fleshy head on an un-fleshy skeleton would probably be akin to being decapitated, and similarly fatal in short order: No heart to pump blood into the brain, not to mention somewhere for blood to go on the way out of the brain other than onto the floor. Similarly a golemn doesn't have lungs, so a human head on a golemn's body would suffocate pretty quick too, even if it kept the blood.

For that matter, any living limb that ends up on a non-living monster would die (and become zombie flesh?) pretty fast. Legs don't do too well without fresh, oxygenated blood either...
"Put more stuff in the... thing where... more stuff goes in."
Nov 29, 2016, 10:17 pm
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Item idea: Axe of the Berserker. Functionally a (battle?) axe made of exotic materials. I'm thinking primary material is ruby, secondary is octiron, or ebony. No passive buffs, cannot be cloned.
What sets it apart is a proc, firing with perhaps 1/10-1/12 chance, which grants haste and some sort of regeneration for a dozen or so turns. Powerful if you can keep landing hits, but loses effectiveness when you aren't fighting.
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Nov 30, 2016, 5:18 am
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Ischaldirh wrote
some sort of regeneration

We don't really have a regenerating state at the moment, apart from healing which disables other actions. Cool be cool to have this feature as a buff, and as an eventual basis for what Izzy has proposed.
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Nov 30, 2016, 6:23 am
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Some kind of regeneration would definitely be nice. Creatures with low End, but high regeneration could make for an interesting enemy - kill it before it can heal again, but you don't need to cut through hundreds of HP.
Nov 30, 2016, 10:39 am
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A question worth asking is how powerful such regeneration would be. Not in terms only of how quickly you recover HP, but also in terms of things like - can you heal scars? Burns? What about regrowing limbs?
"Put more stuff in the... thing where... more stuff goes in."
Nov 30, 2016, 12:06 pm
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Hm, there should definitely be a way how to remove scars. There is non right now, or am I wrong?

Some roguelikes use royal jelly for restoration of scars and such. We could have it as a very very rare comestible that would cure all scars and burns.

BTW, making regeneration regrow limbs and heal scars and burns sounds way too powerful. Maybe we could have a healing factor that only greatly speeds restoration of HP, but regrows nothing, and then regeneration, much more rare, that also regrows limbs?
Nov 30, 2016, 2:02 pm
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does endurance affect HP regeneration? I feel like when I buff my characters in wizmode they restore HP's faster. Wasnt that the reason Lob Seh wasnt implemented yet because she regened HP;s faster than you can take them off.
Nov 30, 2016, 3:22 pm
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I think in most roguelikes, the more HP you have, the more quickly it recovers. And since HP is directly based on Endurance, yes that is the case with IVAN too
Nov 30, 2016, 6:50 pm
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I think a regeneration effect that acted as a multiplier for natural HP recovery would be the most reasonable approach. That way, characters would see scaling benefits as their HP increases.

I feel that giving it a very small chance to effect more substantial healing might be OK as well - something like a 1/50 chance per turn of healing a scar, 1/75 to heal a burn by one step, 1/150 to regrow a lost limb (at 1 HP of course). The chances of these effects ought to be quite small however.
"Put more stuff in the... thing where... more stuff goes in."
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