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Posted by fejoa, May 8, 2020 at 6:42 am
So... diffusion? I like it!
Posted by fejoa, May 2, 2020 at 7:27 am
The binary should be here:

Latest one was r7
Posted by fejoa, Apr 25, 2020 at 3:54 pm
Ischaldirh wrote
New dungeon: The Mine
Every level is mine themed. So there is a level with a bunch of ore and pick axes and shit. Another level has a lot of mines of both the gas and explosive variety. A third is full of firedamp - flammable gas that you can't breathe. Maybe one has a bunch of sirens (who just say "Mine" and you give them stuff).

Actually I'd prefer a new dungeon with none of these things
Posted by fejoa, Apr 15, 2020 at 6:28 am
Update: this has been largely implemented by red-kangaroo in the latest release
Posted by fejoa, Apr 11, 2020 at 6:59 am
Thanks TMG. It seems most people are getting set up with the latest Visual Studio. I'll switch the default config to VS 2019 when I next get a chance.
Posted by fejoa, Apr 8, 2020 at 6:27 am
Two-handing should be thought of as a penalty, until you have enough arm strength to dual-wield.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 24, 2020 at 1:23 pm
Awesome idea for an artifact weapon. Reminds me of Z's Hydra Slayer game, where you had to use your weapons and math to cut off the right number of Hydra heads iirc..
Posted by fejoa, Mar 22, 2020 at 7:10 pm
Hi winsalot! Welcome to the forum.

red_kangaroo wrote
Maybe zero or NULL volume got passed to the Forge Item recipe when you escaped from it and that caused a segfault?

I love the way your IVAN dev work over the years has made you into a great programming guru Holybanana always wanted IVAN to be a vehicle for others to learn C/C++
Posted by fejoa, Mar 18, 2020 at 3:12 pm
Right now there is some discussion going on about reducing the default size of the IVAN world map. The current size is 128x128 which is quite big, given that most of the world map is largely inaccessible. New players also often find their characters starving to death looking for a place to go.
One proposal is to reduce the default world size to 64x64. This could be made configurable, either a choice of three or four sizes (128x128, 96x96, 64x64, or 32x32), or a slider bar from 32x32 to 128x128.

Another request is to optionally choose between a pangea world and several continents (what we have now). This is because the number of new worldmap locations has increased recently.
The idea is to make a pangea the default world style so that players both old and new can easily reach every location on the world map, but that players that prefer the current style can configure this to "classic".

There is an issue on github here: and please feel free to offer your suggestions below as well.