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Posted by fejoa, Jan 1, 2011 at 6:48 pm
- Maybe someday there will be a side quest to lure (you would have to polymorph into a mistress) a milkman from the Gloomy Caves back to Attnam to deliver Ommel milk to the Cathedral... resulting in a newborn Bastard Son/Daughter revolutionary born to one of Petruses wives.

- Zombie of a Milkman.

- Perhaps female characters could be programmed to lactate?

Sorry to hijack the thread. In light of capristo's reminder, it would still be cool to create a milk bottle shaped graphic.
Posted by fejoa, Dec 31, 2010 at 10:22 pm
Following on from 4zb4's code, and with regard to the wierdness of the carton made of glass, could the carton be made from Parchment, and have a unique bitmap position (resembling a carton) in the file item.pcx?


    SecondaryMaterialConfig == MILK;
    Possibility = 10;
    NameSingular = "milk carton";

    BitmapPos = [i]x(milk carton picture)[/i], [i]y(milk carton picture)[/i];
    MainMaterialConfig == PARCHMENT;

Posted by fejoa, Nov 26, 2010 at 5:00 pm
Are Leprosy and other states like Levitating, ESP carried over to the mirrored player upon entry to the Sumo arena?

By the way, has anyone tried to infect Huang Ming Pong with Leprosy?
Posted by fejoa, Nov 18, 2010 at 11:46 pm
It would be fun to have a 'headbutt' command, a bit like kicking. Or as suggested by AzbA, a (H)it command, using weapon\\arms\\legs\\head\\pelvis(?), with a prompt to select which item\\bodypart to execute the strike with.
I imagine the code would be just a generalisation of the kicking command?
There could be a chance to fall unconscious due to headbutting very hard objects.

n.b. Back in the day, I used to throw daggers at doors to break their locks.
Posted by fejoa, Nov 7, 2010 at 3:28 am
Hilarious! Tourists stepping on landmines in south-east asia.
Chao, did you plant the mine in New Attnam? In wizmode I zapped a wand of striking at a backpack inside the arena, in an attempt to annihilate the tourists, but was disqualified and then LIVAN experienced an error. I think the tourist team must have changed relation to hostile when the backpack exploded.
I experimented successfully by charming the village elder in the arena and then throwing mustard gas at him.
Posted by fejoa, Nov 6, 2010 at 3:24 am
The game actually makes two mirrored characters, one is the player, while the other is the sumo. The mirrors are then transported into the sumo arena. The spectators, on the other hand, are transported directly to the sumo arena without being mirrored first.
Posted by fejoa, Oct 22, 2010 at 10:57 pm
You can only win the sumo tournament by killing someone in the sumo arena
Posted by fejoa, Oct 15, 2010 at 11:30 pm
Ok I don't know if anyone has fixed this yet, but I have a solution to this known non-crashing bug for LIVAN:
Going from 5th to 4th floor will send you to the stairs that lead to Kharaz-Arad. I don't know how to fix that.

Although it is quite easy to fix, it is not obvious at first. Fixing it requires only an edit of the script files. The two changes I have made are in bold green-flesh colour in the code below.

In dungeon.dat
  Level 3;
      Square, Pos 3,2;
        OTerrain = stairs(STAIRS_DOWN) { AttachedArea = KHARAZ_ARAD; }
        EntryIndex = [b][color=#008000]STAIRS_DOWN + 1[/color][/b];

and scrolling down a little way, again in dungeon.dat:

      Size = 7,6;
      Square, Pos 3,2;
        OTerrain = stairs(STAIRS_UP) { AttachedArea = 3; [b][color=#008000]AttachedEntry = STAIRS_DOWN + 1; [/color][/b]}
        EntryIndex = STAIRS_UP;

It ensures that if the player takes the staircase-up on GC5, he arrives at the staircase-down on GC4, instead of the staircase-down leading to Karaz Arad.
Posted by fejoa, Sep 30, 2010 at 3:26 am
chaostrom wrote
I just gave it a shot but I can't play it at all. It crashes when I try to enter UT.

I had the same problem, until I worked out what was wrong. I solved it in this way: Try running the IVAN variant in a directory with no spaces in the directory names.

rather than:
c:\\ivan variant\\ivan_w32.exe
Posted by fejoa, Sep 28, 2010 at 4:21 am
This variant is shaping up to be good. The control flow enhancements are nice. I got sound to work by adding into the ivan_w32 directory the "Sound" folder from Ivan3D. Good luck with the scripting engine, I think it will be a fun tool for the community.