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Posted by fejoa, Aug 13, 2017 at 4:45 am
chaostrom wrote
We don't happen to have a pixel artist, perchance? The thing above, about Xinroch's banner, is giving me ideas about emblems and uniforms.

Maybe 4zb4? Haven't seen him around lately...
Posted by fejoa, Jul 20, 2017 at 4:17 pm
Hybrid mutant spider frog babies?
Posted by fejoa, Jul 19, 2017 at 3:41 am
I wonder if both Pierce and Slash damage types can be attributed to halberds?
Posted by fejoa, Jul 18, 2017 at 5:01 am
red_kangaroo wrote
June is somewhat out of question, so... do we have some release date to aim towards?

Sorry guys, I've been holding off to see whether Serin will approve r_k's latest PR on the git repo. Because it's such a large PR, I'm reluctant to just go ahead and merge it. Serin is a real IVAN scholar and I respect his their suggested changes.

What next? Should I just do a release of all the merged stuff, or wait around to release all the new stuff including red's changes?
Posted by fejoa, Jul 18, 2017 at 4:32 am
It's a great suggestion, an unarmed combat subsystem. It'd be a cool way to automate kicking into unarmed combat. What about biting?

Maybe the mannekin should have teeth... Lose all your teeth and bite strength drops to zero!
Posted by fejoa, Jul 10, 2017 at 12:01 am
There must be a discussion buried around here somewhere. I've found that lightweight wooden material shields are amazing at the start of the game, but later they just get smashed by big orcs.

Anybody used a GEF shield or fabric shield?
Posted by fejoa, Jul 7, 2017 at 12:14 am
Ischaldirh wrote
I really like that you can encounter things like "a skeleton of a kobold" or "a zombie of a tourist". It's really entertaining. However, I just encountered the ghost of a mistress warlady on GC2, who promptly delimbed and beheaded me before I had much of a chance to react.

I'm wondering what sort of relations there are between the former monster and it's undead counterpart, and what spawn conditions/controls are set for them. Obviously I should never encounter a real mistress (let alone mistress warlady) on GC2 outside of wizmode or a mid/late game return to New Attnam. The fact that this one showed up - in ghost form, but still extremely dangerous - makes me wonder however...

(Note: this was in 507.)

Yup it's a known issue that needs to be fixed. Did the ghost of the mistress warlady have all her limbs attached?
Posted by fejoa, Jul 6, 2017 at 7:18 pm
Actually here is a file containing some of the numbers I used to balance things in XT.
Just rename the extension to .xlsx
Attached files
XT_balancing.doc (39.38 kb)
Posted by fejoa, Jul 6, 2017 at 6:55 pm
Merged, nice changes!
The too-hard doors was probably an oversight. I chose iron more for color/mood combination without thinking about whether they could be knocked down.
Posted by fejoa, Jul 5, 2017 at 3:52 am
red_kangaroo wrote
Finally, Turox should be changed to a weapon of Legifer. This is mostly because of this story by Ischaldirh which I adapted to replies for lady Decora, so Turox was blessed by Legifer and should be his aligned weapon. Thus maces could also become weapons of Legifer, as said above.

I forgot about this story! It all fits!

I think weeping blade should stay Scabies because it is SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
. Didn't our Izzy code them?
So what have we agreed on so far?

Long sword
Cruentus -> Valpurus

Cruentus -> Sophos

Loricatus -> Cruentus

Loricatus -> Loricatus (?)

Cruentus -> Legifer

Thunder hammer
Terra/Silva -> Loricatus

Flaming sword
Loricatus -> ?

Weeping blade
Scabies -> ?

Cruentus -> Legifer