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Posted by fejoa, Oct 23, 2017 at 3:17 am
This is a great initiative, something we've been longing to have.
So far we only have the unfinished dungeon building guide on the wiki. It gives the basic stucture of the script files and how they relate to the dungeon.
Posted by fejoa, Oct 22, 2017 at 1:20 pm
For a while I would use start game characters to drink from fountains for early stat boosts. Trouble is you risk negative effects, or drying out. Those weren't so bad compared to having to fight off mommos. Usually my characters would die swftly at that point.
Posted by fejoa, Oct 17, 2017 at 4:49 am
4zb4 wrote
I remember being completely confused by the four mountains concept, maybe I'll make another attempt at understanding it soon.

I too was confused. I think I had it figured out once, but I'll need a refresher. I just liked the colourful squares with the sagely words in them.
Posted by fejoa, Oct 17, 2017 at 12:17 am
4zb4 wrote
Made a quick edit to the page to include the links to the historical dev plans.
I'm not sure whether the mood system that was brought up at IVANCON was originally planned by the devs (I think it was) or was a new idea by the IVANCON guys. I've gone with my gut and placed it under the original devs' section.

Cool, pretty sure it was original devs. The mood system graphics are all original J_Kahvi.

I uploaded the IVANcon info, apologies for the mess D:

EDIT: Makes me wonder whether Four Mountains should serve as the basis for the mood system. The mood system needs a state diagram to function correctly, and the original dev's metaphysical models could operate as the underlying mechanic.
Posted by fejoa, Oct 16, 2017 at 11:13 pm
Sweet, can we have a wiki page devoted to a dev roadmap? The main page can be original dev and community plans up to the first ivancon plus Ernomouse's summary, plus some allusion to JKahvi's Four Mountains magic system, plus anything else.
There can be pages that branch off where devs can outline the features they are working on.

I'm fairly dedicated to squashmonster's world map improvements at the moment, plus any of the ivancon plans.

I've probably got one more solo dungeon design in me, and I'm happy to collaborate on the rest.

EDIT: Here's a link to a wiki page:
Posted by fejoa, Oct 16, 2017 at 6:16 am
There's a great job to be done to create a consolidated development roadmap and post it on the GitHub page wiki. The reason it's good to have one is that it helps programmers determine what to code next, so that passers by can readily engage in development. We're hoping to catch people who love the game and want to improve it.

As a starting point we can refer to

This is sort of the main plans, but people can have side plans. Anyone else got any good links to dev plans other than the ideas thread?
Feel free to post your own personal plans here as well.
Posted by fejoa, Oct 16, 2017 at 5:28 am
Good to have you back vasiliy!
What operating system are you using for to develop k8-i.v.a.n.? Love your work, steal all you want
Posted by fejoa, Oct 16, 2017 at 5:23 am
A rare suggestion from me: the pantheon book should actually tell a random short tale about the gods, a la the stories on the wiki
Posted by fejoa, Oct 16, 2017 at 5:21 am
Here's ye olde liquids discussion thread

Maybe ask Ighalli what more needs to be done? He's got an open PR on github
Posted by fejoa, Oct 10, 2017 at 9:46 pm
Ischaldirh wrote
Oh shit, I wonder if that's my work. I remember doing that at one point, something like eleven years ago...

Really? How fascinating! I thought you said your sole contribution was the acid shield?

Chiko wrote
Externalization of more source code sounds like an excellent idea.

IVAN could've done with a Lua script engine from the beginning