Weapon and armor alignment to gods

Jul 4, 2017, 6:47 am
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I was looking at the attached gods of various weapons and armor, and there are several I think could warrant a change to make more sense than now. This would be mostly flavour change to allow priests of all gods to wield aligned weapon (most priest do now, but some gods with no priests so far also ahve no aligned weapons), and for all gods to gift their weapons.

Long sword should be attached to Valpurus, not Cruentus. Justifier is a long sword, all Attnamese guards wield a long sword, all good angels use a long sword, yet Valpurus has no aligned weapon (discountig Justifier, which is a special artifact). This wouldn't upset the balance of gaining favour with Valpurus much, as we can see with Morty and his scythes.

Spear should be attached to Sophos. This is because he has no aligned weapon, bur Vermis is attached to him. Also so that the scholar-knight of Sophos can use their terrible martial art of Keihäs-Käyttö.

(Battle) axe should be attached to Cruentus, not Loricatus. Loricatus as a smith god has hammers and pickaxes, but why axes? Axe makes much more sense as a weapon of Cruentus, IMO.

Mace should be given to Legifer. Mortifer has Neerc Se-ulb, while Legifer should have Turox (see below), but Legifer has no other weapons while Morty has scythes.

Thunder hammer should definitely go to Loricatus. Magical hammers for the smith god. No question.

Flaming sword should probably be aligned with either Valpurus or Legifer. As said above, swords and Valpurus seem like a good match, but fire and Legifer is also good. As flaming swords are used by good angels, they don't make much sense aligned to Cruentus.

Weeping blade is now aligned to Scabies. As it's mostly made of crystal, maybe it would be better as a weapon of Silva? Maybe not? I'm not sure on this one.

Finally, Turox should be changed to a weapon of Legifer. This is mostly because of this story by Ischaldirh which I adapted to replies for lady Decora, so Turox was blessed by Legifer and should be his aligned weapon. Thus maces could also become weapons of Legifer, as said above.

As for armors, it makes good sense to give all chain/plate mails to Loricatus, but with the new changes of Atavus enchanting armor, armor becomes a bit of a theme for Atavus. Maybe he could be given gauntles, boots, belts and/or shields, to have a change to give those? It would also make sense, because Santa Atavus needs gauntlets and boots, or his limbs will freeze off in his secret Fortress of Solitude northern fortress.

Would you agree to those changes?
Jul 4, 2017, 10:28 am
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What would be the game impact of these changes?
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Jul 4, 2017, 10:39 am
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Ischaldirh wrote
What would be the game impact of these changes?

Aligned/attached items can be (rarely) gifted by the given god when you pray to her, and grant slightly more piety when you sacrifice them at an altar. As I said, it would be mostly a flavour change, to make weapon alignment correspond to your stories and in-game lore. Players probably wouldn't notice much.
Jul 4, 2017, 12:37 pm
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I think these changes work well:

Sophos - spear
Legifer - Turox - also because he hits your enemies with explosions
Loricatus - hammer - all hammers not just thunder hammer?

However I think long swords and flaming swords should stick with Cruentus. He is the god of war - 90% of the time when you picture a medieval battle it's with swords not axes. And of course his symbol is a sword:

Jul 4, 2017, 2:35 pm
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Farmers use axes to chop down trees. They're tools and definitely suited to Loricatus. Battle-axes could be switched to Cruentus.
Loricatus already has hammers aligned, and thunder hammers being aligned with Terra is pretty weird. they could probably be switched to Loricatus.
Cruentus should definitely keep long swords. They're favoured by the dark knighthood, not just Attnam. I'm not sure aligning all spears to Sophos just because of Vermis makes sense? My impression of the gods in IVAN is that they're like personifications of abstract concepts, primarily concerned with how prevalent their favourite things are in the world rather than how a mortal army should be equipped.

Balance-wise, I'd be careful about moving too many aligned items away from Cruentus Loricatus and towards Atavus - they are in very plentiful supply, so this will affect the number of permanent angels that players of different alignments can get, and also how quickly players can get Atavus's champion gift.
Jul 4, 2017, 3:09 pm
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OK, I'm not touching long swords. What about flaming swords? I still find it wierd to have them aligned to Crunetus when all good angels use them. On the other hand, so does Xinroch...

Farming sounds more as Seges than Loricatus, but OK.

I like the idea of each god having his own weapon his priests would be using, plus having the spear be the weapon of the learned is just cool flavour. An elegant weapon, of a more civilized age. (Why spear? Well, why frogs?)

I understadn that concern. Cruentus gets at least the battle axe in return. Loricatus still favour many, many things. Giving Atavus some aligned armor is just a thought that occured to me because of the recent change to let him enchant armor.

BTW, I just now checked and Atavus no longer has a championship gift. He enchants the armor you have instead.
Jul 4, 2017, 3:28 pm
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I still don't get how charity and munificence means enchanting armour
Jul 4, 2017, 4:02 pm
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Serin-Delaunay wrote
I still don't get how charity and munificence means enchanting armour

Me neither, but I understand the game balance.
Jul 5, 2017, 3:52 am
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red_kangaroo wrote
Finally, Turox should be changed to a weapon of Legifer. This is mostly because of this story by Ischaldirh which I adapted to replies for lady Decora, so Turox was blessed by Legifer and should be his aligned weapon. Thus maces could also become weapons of Legifer, as said above.

I forgot about this story! It all fits!

I think weeping blade should stay Scabies because it is SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
. Didn't our Izzy code them?
So what have we agreed on so far?

Long sword
Cruentus -> Valpurus

Cruentus -> Sophos

Loricatus -> Cruentus

Loricatus -> Loricatus (?)

Cruentus -> Legifer

Thunder hammer
Terra/Silva -> Loricatus

Flaming sword
Loricatus -> ?

Weeping blade
Scabies -> ?

Cruentus -> Legifer
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Jul 5, 2017, 9:58 am
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fejoa wrote
Didn't our Izzy code [the weeping blade]?

No; my sole code contribution to IVAN is the acid shield, if I recall correctly.
As far as the rest of this conversation... I feel like it makes sense that most weapons are the domain of the God of War. Including the most primeval of those weapons, the Spear. It makes sense for him to also have Battle Axes. If the changes suggested here are mostly flavor and won't have a strong balance impact, I see no reason to change that.

Giving the more tool-like weapons - such as hammers, (normal) axes, sickles - to Loricatus also makes sense to me. The thunder hammer as a tool of Loricatus also makes sense.
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Jul 5, 2017, 11:18 am
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Srges has sickles IIRC, and should probably keep them. Weeping blades produce acid, so giving them to Scabies would make sense.
Jul 6, 2017, 2:43 am
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Serin-Delaunay wrote
Seges has sickles IIRC, and should probably keep them.

Yeah, I wouldn't take sickles away from Seges.


And here we go.
Jul 6, 2017, 7:04 am
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red_kangaroo wrote

BTW, I just now checked and Atavus no longer has a championship gift. He enchants the armor you have instead.

No more arcanite plate?
Oct 10, 2017, 3:31 pm
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Merged these changes in. Seems like everyone agreed on them:

Mace -> Cruentus to Legifer
Turox -> Cruentus to Legifer
Battle Axe -> Loricatus to Cruentus
Thunder Hammer -> Terra (Silva?) to Loricatus
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