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Posted by capristo, Oct 17, 2016 at 11:46 am
I was going to suggest that last bullet as well. If your charisma is really really high, it would be awesome if when you attack Petrus, some of the Attnamese join your side.
Posted by capristo, Oct 17, 2016 at 11:10 am
I think we've talked about a way to intentionally get rid of spider webs. What about a feather duster item that can be 'a'pplied in a direction. It could take a random number of turns to actually bring the web down. Also could be a somewhat rare item because I think getting stuck in webs is a big part of UT
Posted by capristo, Oct 16, 2016 at 12:50 am
Oh ok, yeah the unmelting ice sounds cool.

Thanks for the polycontrol explanation.

I feel like there is a flaw with either approach:

If it's RNG, then you could get extremely lucky (find it early and get polymorphed into something powerful), in which case it is overpowered
If it's on an NPC, then you probably have to be pretty far along to get it, in which case it's not very useful (the whole point being, in my opinion, to be able to play and grow as a different type of creature)

Posted by capristo, Oct 15, 2016 at 10:21 pm
That was fast thanks Ighalli!

A couple thoughts
- might want to change the material from ice, in case we do implement melting ice in the future
- price 250 vs. 750 for polycontrol. I'm thinking this one should be more expensive

For polycontrol, what determines what level creature you're able to polymorph into? If I'm just starting the game I can't intentionally transform into a mistress torturing chief can I?

I do worry a bit about balance but if you can only polymorph into super powerful creatures by accident, then that helps
Posted by capristo, Oct 15, 2016 at 1:42 pm
Shoutbox history is slightly improved but not 100% working

But at least you can go back several pages now. You can't return to page 1, and search still doesn't work
Posted by capristo, Oct 15, 2016 at 4:14 am
I'm more amused that the mushrooms can vomit

fejoa wrote
I reckon it was a bottle of sulphuric acid.

That's what I thought would've caused the lumps. But why vomit?
Posted by capristo, Oct 14, 2016 at 10:59 pm
Smileys appear in a modal instead of pop up window. This is much better for mobile

Also updated the admin so it's easy for me/Erno to add new smileys. Any requests?

Behind the scenes have done a ton of code and database cleanup, e.g. Comments, PSR (PHP standards), and foreign keys
Posted by capristo, Oct 14, 2016 at 10:25 pm
Ok so I think JoKe is right. It just isn't possible.

The reason is that polyitis only afflicts your original human state. After you polymorph into an orc, for example, that orc does not have polyitis. That means he will eventually turn back into human, and you have no choice in the matter when reverting, even with polycontrol. Maybe you should?

Possibly if you have an endless supply of wands of polymorph and can zap yourself as an orc to stay as an orc, that might work. But the polymorph effect can be really short, so you'd have to zap yourself pretty frequently to be safe.

This would also be an extremely annoying way to play the game since it would continually prompt you to polymorph

I think getting permanent polyitis is possible, but it's hard to tell since you can only check it with a stethoscope and that doesn't have the blue color for permanent effects

TLDR; polymorph win is not possible. But it would be really cool to be able to choose to be a different race than human, and play as an orc/mistress/kobold/etc
Posted by capristo, Oct 14, 2016 at 9:42 pm
Could you (similar to blink dog effect) eat a ton of mutant bunny corpses and gain permanent polyitis? Then use a ring of polycontrol to play and win as a non-human
Posted by capristo, Oct 14, 2016 at 6:53 pm
Ah, the lumps of human flesh threw me off. I forgot that most zombies were once human