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Posted by capristo, Oct 23, 2016 at 1:09 am
Serin-Delaunay wrote
Outdoors is fine, even the patrol guard doesn't mind bear traps.

Do they avoid the traps outside after you place them?
Posted by capristo, Oct 22, 2016 at 3:25 pm
That would certainly help balance Mellis as well
Posted by capristo, Oct 21, 2016 at 6:37 pm
Serin-Delaunay wrote
It's a bit of a niche situation, but maybe if you regenerate limbs from healing liquid/troll blood while you have the polymorphing status, you should grow a limb of a random flesh-type substance. Not sure how much that would affect game balance.

That is a great idea
Posted by capristo, Oct 21, 2016 at 6:35 pm
Ohh I love the igniting enemies within ESP range. That is awesome.

I had forgotten about the buying/selling charisma bonus. However, that does get less effective over time right?

It sounds like we are moving towards making Charisma a much more powerful trait. It's not just a pretty face any more, it could potentially cause others to join your team, etc.

Most other traits have easy ways to slightly strengthen them early on (e.g. reading a ton of books, carrying heavy stuff) so I don't think there is any harm in keeping the buying/selling bonus. But maybe we should make it slightly less effective, and also raise the bar for resurrecting named bosses.
Posted by capristo, Oct 21, 2016 at 11:57 am
I like all those changes
Posted by capristo, Oct 21, 2016 at 11:55 am
I like a) limiting limb generation to troll blood only and b) making Mellis less generous
Posted by capristo, Oct 19, 2016 at 5:56 pm
Ischaldirh wrote
IRC also had a history, but you're right.

Yeah I think the problem is not lack of history, it's just nobody wants to go to the effort of searching that history.

Anyways sorry for the off topic, I have some ideas on how to make this better and will work on them
Posted by capristo, Oct 19, 2016 at 5:07 pm
I never really used IRC even when it was active, but wouldn't those discussions still get lost? Or no
Posted by capristo, Oct 17, 2016 at 7:03 pm
Yeah, they shouldn't become pets.

I'm not sure if they should technically be on your team, or should just be removed from the New Attnam team and become hostile towards New Attnam.

This is all just me spewing ideas though, I'm not saying this is a priority or will be easy.

I'm fine with an amulet of magic resistance, but I think it should still be a bonus in addition to the ability to train it yourself (just like there's helms of perception, brilliance, etc.)
Posted by capristo, Oct 17, 2016 at 3:07 pm
Maybe the "leader" effect should be based on the highest charisma of the person on their team.

May need to adjust the existing NPC charisma to make it work but:

Let's say Decos's is 25. If your charisma is 30+ then the slaves try to help (but most likely they will immediately panic and flee, unless you give them equipment). If your charisma is 40+ then some of his guards betray him.

Petrus's would need to be 50+

I'm not exactly sure how the teams work - is Tweraif a subset of the New Attnam team? Because attacking a slave will piss of Decos but attacking Decos will not piss off the slaves.

We may need to add some kind of "Loyalty" trait. That also makes things interesting because then maybe Petrus's wives are less loyal to him and would switch over to your side more quickly than his guard.