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Posted by capristo, Nov 3, 2016 at 11:06 am
What are all the talents?
Posted by capristo, Nov 2, 2016 at 12:27 am
4zb4 wrote
In fact I'd like to make a bunch of subtle changes to the language used based on stats, just for flavor's sake.
e.g. low INT would start using dumb language like "a two-hunded sward are there", high INT starts using more colourful language like "A skeleton warrior menaces here" (instead of "is standing here")

I like that
Posted by capristo, Nov 1, 2016 at 11:59 pm
lots of good points 4zb4

For the charisma thing, isn't charisma sort of tied into leadership / honor / esteem? If so wouldn't someone with higher charisma actually treat lower creatures / poorer people with more respect? So I kind of feel like the charisma thing is backwards if we do implement that
Posted by capristo, Nov 1, 2016 at 1:39 pm
Ischaldirh wrote
That all aside, there are other reasonably valid explanations for referring to these creatures as "it". For example, it may simply be that morphologically, male and female monstrous humanoids are nearly indistinguishable. It would not be unprecedented - many animals on Earth are difficult to sex. Perhaps it would require a high INT or WIS score to be able to tell the difference. Additionally, they may actually simply all be sexless: creatures spawned by Cruentus for the sole purpose of war and violence.

Yeah I don't think it has anything to do with charisma. It's just that there's no discernible difference, or they don't have a sex at all.

Look at the animals vs. the humanoids:

- lions have a visible difference (mane), and I think all the lions in game have a mane. But they're still referred to as "it" not "he" right?

- That makes me think it has less to do with charisma and more with intelligence. The "it" seems to me more referring to them as savage creatures with lower intelligence. And of course this is relative - to the humans the kobolds are savage dumb brutes, even though they may have their own society

- for animals that don't have a visible difference, it would be strange to say "he" or "she" - how can the player tell? (The odd exception is the adult male vs. female carnivorous mutant bunnies. Maybe we should remove those gender modifiers and just call them "adult")

- the same should apply to kobolds, orcs, etc. They're all ugly, their gender bits are covered by clothing, so the player can't tell. I do think it would be somewhat interesting to read "she blocks your attack" or "he hits you" when fighting a goblin. But we should look at each species individually and decide which ones have a discernible difference. The NPCs have an assigned gender because they're relatively famous - the player recognizes them, knows who they are.
Posted by capristo, Nov 1, 2016 at 11:57 am
Are there a lot of rape jokes in the quotes? The only one I see is:

Ah, the internet. Giving voiceless, pubescent young teens a place to rant about everyone in their lives to a bunch of people who either think it's funny or want to rape them. I love you, Internet.

Which is sadly a factual observation.. I'm ok with removing it though. Attached the list of quotes, I don't see any other offensive ones. I think it's possible to be too PC
Attached files
quotes.csv (8.61 kb)
Posted by capristo, Oct 31, 2016 at 1:01 pm
I'm fine with it being cosmetic only but I would also be fine with female having slightly smaller size / str, and much higher int / wis

Joking around but would love this change.

IVAN does seem a little different from most roguelikes. Seems like 99% of them allow you some customization when you start out. Did the IVAN devs do it differently intentionally to keep it simple or to keep everyone on the same path?
Posted by capristo, Oct 24, 2016 at 7:58 pm
Ighalli under Additional Coders! i had no idea you were contributing that long ago
Posted by capristo, Oct 24, 2016 at 8:24 am
Haha yeah I took it a little far. But I do like the idea of more things like the valpurium +10 sword. They are really helpful for a short time but could screw you over if you're not careful.
Posted by capristo, Oct 23, 2016 at 8:17 pm
The symbiont idea is neat. You would have to eat twice as much but it helps you heal more quickly too. And maybe it keeps growing and you have to "carry" it so it counts towards your burdened/stressed status. The bigger it gets the harder it is to vomit out, and if you wait too long it'll burst out of you
Posted by capristo, Oct 23, 2016 at 6:51 pm
we should totally rename that flag to IS_ERNOMOUSE as a dev easter egg