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Posted by Cerumen, May 14, 2008 at 9:18 am
Remember my story of a Turox-happy skeleton in UT? Heh.
Posted by Cerumen, May 11, 2008 at 7:28 am
It's lots of fun when she gives a whole level Leprosy (You sense a vile disease spreading)

I used to like that before I realised you can easily get infected yourself.

Prayin to a God (or offering or reading a book) boosts your relation ship with that god and gods that are within one alignment unit. It has no effects on gods that are two alignment units away and has a deleterious effect on your relation ship with gods 3 or more units away. In practice what this means in that you can pick a central god and then pray to gods within 2 alignment units on either side. Eg., I usualy pick Silva as my central god and then can pray to Mellis, Loricatus, Silva, Sophos, Dulcis and Seges. Therefore, if you want to pray to Infuscor and Scabies, you could also pray to Cruentus, Nefas, Cleptia, Mellis and Loricatus (or swap Mortifer for loricatus). Of course if you pick mortifer it means just read his books and donate bones/skulls/scythes, eat human flesh etc.

Wow, a nice piece of info. I just assumed previously that it's something of a neutral/lawful/chaotic division system, but the exact mechanics are nice to know.
Posted by Cerumen, May 11, 2008 at 7:22 am
Petrus in forum Website News
English orthographical rules state an apostrophe is put after the plural -s (dog's vs. dogs'). American spelling often puts it after all s's, but "Petrus's" is still a valid option.
Posted by Cerumen, May 11, 2008 at 7:20 am
Weird - I usually notice the "stealing stuff" message (because I usually check the price of stuff I take/sell). Although it *is* bizarre that people can talk to you when invisible, but still won't let your trade.

My favourite way to piss off Attnam is still accidentally praying to Legifer.
Posted by Cerumen, Apr 28, 2008 at 2:56 pm
And add to IVAN a new disease, haemophilia, which means that whenever you are wounded you die of blood loss after some time (unless healed), and it is a genetic disease, thus it can be gained by starting with it or by polymorph gone wrong.

Not to turn this into an idea topic... but I think it'd be cool if there were side-effects to polymorphing into powerful creatures like that if you didn't have enough intelligence...

Starting with random features = bad idea. I dislike the random stats enough

(IVAN is pretty non-random in a lot of aspects as compared to the rest of roguelikes, which I love)
Posted by Cerumen, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:17 pm
not many people like to download bones huh?

Not since slob (if I recall correctly) decided it would be much fun to upload a bone file where the Enner is by the stairs

(even though, actually, I later killed the bugger and got two nicely equipped corpses as a bonus)
Posted by Cerumen, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:13 pm
How you got so far without Livan crashing is a miracle on its own.
Posted by Cerumen, Apr 25, 2008 at 12:12 pm
I totally agree with fluffy. I have tried polypiling with good gear vs balsa sticks and not noticed any difference in the quality of the morphed goods. Thats why I said "what a waste..."

However if polymorphing does change only the chest then that would make it one of the better ways to access the contents.

I did some testing. First of all, I was wrong - I don't really know why I got the impression that polymorph is affected by item quality.

But second of all, polymorphing a chest does not alter the contexts, and spills them, explaining why I got high-quality stuff when polymorphing that chest!
Posted by Cerumen, Apr 21, 2008 at 12:30 am
I eat mushrooms on regular basis - the most common side effects include: confusion, ESP, flight, slowdown, haste, and perhaps invisibility.

I didn't really notice difference between regular and magic mushrooms, but I tend to avoid eating the latter.
Posted by Cerumen, Apr 21, 2008 at 12:25 am
What a waste! throw the chest at a wall or pray to silva or kick it. Stand over it and fight a golem with no arms while dual wielding shields waiting for the golem to kick open the chest. lots of options.

Gah, that may be, but I still consider polypiling it more creative than ignoring it - and I guess the drop in item "worth" isn't that big.