As I have done before in the past, I made the classic mistake of trying to buy something while Saal'thul was equipped. I said "y" to the question I thought was about wether or not to buy, soon after realizing I said "y" to stealing instead.
I managed to escape the town with my life (though without my valuable mirroring wand and some enchantment scrolls) but now I am stuck with no easy repair method as well as losing access to all scrolls in the library. (Unless I can become powerful enough to take the town, you never know...)
Anyways, my main question is in the subject. Is there any known way to pacify the whole town again? Mind you, running around trying to tame or charm things that can lay me out in a turn or two is not a likely option. I don't expect there is one, but I figured I would query the most knowledgable on the subject to make sure. If there isn't, I'll just do what I was planning, keep moving deeper.