Some ideas for how traps could work:
First of all, traps more connected with items. For example, valuable stuff could have powerful traps underneath - "Hey look, a belt of... snap! My leg! Where's my leg?" Rooms that have a lot of items could have a larger possibility of traps, with less random corridor ones.
Second of all, different mine mechanics that damage and sever your legs more. So if you step on one, your chance of surviving is bigger, but you'll almost certainly lose both legs. A lot of real-life accidents end up like that
And third of all, more kinds of traps... not to suggest a copy NetHack or ADOM ones, but splashing acid on your face or dissolving your equipment with rust would be nice.
Hmm that gives me an idea I wonder what would happen if I cloned Enner a bunch of times and then got Ischaldirh to spawn.
I believe there's a
word for it.