yeah, it is quite easy to disarm a mine. the process fails mostly at the start of the game, when your Dex is low, but most mines are in GC, and you usually have enough Dex by that time to succeed most of the time. i am not really keen in balancing such things, so i simply took `(User->GetAttribute(DEXTERITY) < femath::LoopRoll(90, 1000))` code from beartrap. this is how "failed to arm" is determined there, and i used it as disarm check for all traps.
i wanted mines to be fairly easy to disarm, because sometimes they block some path which i want to take. if they're hard to disarm, then it is not really better than simply kicking them and hope for the best, and i feel that there
should be some advantages to try and do better work using your hands.
also, "pressure off" mines might be "disarmed" by another means: leaving something heavy enough on them. (by the way, a mine won't blow up if your weight is less then 5kg too, this is in the code.) some people already suggested such change, it is somewhere in one of ideas thread.
and it's also not that easy to implement too, because there is no such event as "on leaving a square". currently, the character which is moved onto the square checks for anything "interesting" there. yet there is no easy-to-use code to perform such checks when the character moves away. and we should consider various types of movement — like teleporting, for example. it is doable, but may need changes in several places in the code.
it would be much better to have it coded another way: the square itself should react to "enter" and "leave" events, and the characters simply sending such events. this will allow to add arbitrary square effects without changing a lot of the code each time. actually, `character` class is doing too many things on its own, things that should be delegated to other entities. but that's how the game is written, alas.
one day i will prolly do it "the right way", but i'm not sure what the day it will be. also, this will make stealing code from vanilla harder.
but i still feel that throwing ideas so people could tell their opinions is important. because i sux at game design.