Yancakes wrote
Trying it now- I use Windows 11. Works so far. I tried to change the resolution but that made it crash but the magnification function works fine.
hm. it should not crash (obviously

, just change the resolution on restart. but tbh, that part wasn't really tested: i set the resolution once, and never touched it again. thank you, i'll take a look!
Yancakes wrote
I hadn't realized how much I'd gotten used to some of the QOL stuff in the newer IVAN release
like what? maybe i'll eventually port them too. just throw all your wishes and crazy ideas into me, and something will stick.
Yancakes wrote
but other than that I'm really loving all the popups telling me what weapon is on the ground, how it compares to my current weapon, all the colour coding etc.
thank you! the colors should be configurable, but… k8ivan has only one active user so far, and he never complained.
Yancakes wrote
Are there plans to have pop-ups showing what items are on the ground when there's a stack as well?
you mean the whole stack, not just comparisons? yes, i will prolly do it later.
the first version of item comparison was writing messages into log window, and i didn't want to clutter the log, so i implemented only the most necessary stats. when i switched to popups, i basically kept the same code, because i wasn't sure if it will work at all, and if i will like it or not. and then i simply forgot to improve it.

so i will definitely add other things there.
Yancakes wrote
Oh one thing I've noticed about the 2021 IVAN is that I've always felt leprosy was REALLY easy to contract- almost every run going through the UT I had to go back to the doctor at least once to get healed.
i remember that this was the problem in some older IVAN versions too. it was either fixed in the mainline, or in some fork from which i inherited it.
thank you for pointing that! i definitely don't want leprosy to be that easy to get. it is mostly just an annoyance (run back, return, run back, return), and it doesn't feel like something interesting if it happens too often. you get used to it, and it's harder to miss it accidentally.

so i'm with you here.
Yancakes wrote
I think your complaints about the newer version are legit, but I also am aware that it was a huge update that was never properly balanced.
eh… it is really hard to balance such huge and mostly random game as IVAN, especially considering that the game basically a black box. we can change some values here and there, but it is not easy to predict the outcome. and after a lot of playing you got used to it, and may honestly think that it is perfectly balanced.
so i'm not blaming the team for that. just wrote some of my thoughts as somebody who missed almost a decade of updates. sadly, IVAN lacks proper tools (actually, any tools

to work with its databases, and this makes everything really hard and tedious. like, if you want to add a new material, you also have to go through most items, adding new material configs, tweaking the probabilities, and such. it quickly gets out of control.
i am trying to convert scripts to SQLite database now, just to see how it goes. if i'll ever succeed, it would be much easier both to query, and to change things. but i need to create a good DB schema for that… and i already redesigned the schema like dozen times.