Well, RIP to this
I was lucky and signed up for G Suite very early, when it was basically a test program, and they have allowed us to have free Google accounts for ~15 years as a legacy G Suite domain.
Starting in July 2022 they will no longer be grandfathering in this old accounts as a free service anymore. I've been milking this on multiple domains so this sucks haha.
There's a discount for the first year, I can't find the exact pricing, but after the first year it will be $6/month per user ($72/year, not sure if there is a discount for paying up front annually). I don't know if I like you guys enough to pay for that myself
I will email everybody who has an active Attnam.com email to see who is interested in keeping them and who is willing to pay for it.
We could also consider switching to a different email provider e.g. Rackspace which is $3 a month