Definitely need to give a look at the percentages, I failed to cure leprosy by drinking a full antidote bottle in one go.
EDIT: Some other bugs / oversights I've ran into:
* Dipping containers into bodies of liquid do not fill containers completely, unlike fountains do
* Line of sight sometimes does not update correctly with creatures that block LoS, creatures can vanish from sight by moving directly away from the player (lobh-se in the corner:
* Alive Xinroch probably should not be able to summon the skeletal Xinroch:
* Burdened status flickers on and off randomly when a boot of strength is worn on a scarred leg while near the weight limit
* Normal armor cannot be crafted, always attempts to create armor of great health and fails
* Is always crafting broken items intended?
* Something odd is up with stepping into melee range: This was with 13 agility unburdened with a single step.
I've got a list of other feedback on the way, going to do a few runs more to be sure I'm not missing anything.