Iter Femehens Ad Necem

Nov 1, 2016, 9:56 am
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
This thread will chronicle the adventures of Claudia Donovan and her faithful dog Trailer in the female-dominated world of IFAN.
I swapped "MALE" and "FEMALE", and "male" and "female" in Script/char.dat. The effects are that characters described as male or female in-game are switched, and 'he' and 'she' pronouns are switched for non-god characters. I've attached the file if you want to try it for yourself.
Attached files
char.dat (186.16 kb)
Nov 1, 2016, 10:19 am
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
I started with great stats first time. +1 Wis, -1 Agi, Per, Wil. +1 some other stuff, but my memory's fuzzy. Trained Agi up to 12 before going into the dungeon. New Attnam can wait.

I found so much loot. So much good loot. First, a wand of teleport. Then a book of Mellis. Fed an ommel tooth scythe to Trailer. Most of the denizens of UT1 were weak, but somehow an orc slaughterer appeared (!). I zapped it... or myself... away, and explored the rest of the level before descending. It didn't show up again. Neither did Trailer, I hope it's OK.
In UT2 I found some decent weaponry; replaced my steel spear with a long sword and a +2 dagger. More weirdness as a kobold with a +1 broken spear takes my torso down to red health again and again. I teleported it away twice, slowed it once, and it still kept coming. Eventually I zapped my wand of striking at it. Yeah, I found one of those too. Confiscated the broken spear in case anyone else tried to use it. At some point found broken boots of agility, looking forward to getting them repaired and enchanted.
UT3 was amazing. I found a broken helmet of piercing perception, and an arcanite chain mail. +1, because just plain arcanite chain mail wasn't good enough. And a +3 dagger to replace my long sword in the short term. I planned to teleport Genetrix Vesana the Mother carnivorous plant away, but with all this lovely equipment I was able to stomp him and his kiwi pals without any limbs going below pink. And I already have 5 cans and 3 bottles for Mellis to fill.
So here I am exiting the underwater tunnel. Attnam's not far.
Nov 1, 2016, 10:53 am
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
The shopkeepers have some nice things too! I could get a broken mithril chain mail, another broken perception helmet, a scroll of harden material, a whip of thievery, and a torn dragon hide cloak of electricity resistance. Well, I couldn't, but maybe later. I did get a book of Silva and repair my helmet, belt, and boots. My new pet wolf is called Trailing. Mellis gave me ommel urine, tears, and snot; I can use the strength/perception/charisma boosts, but the endurance boost will have to wait until later.
Problem: there are still no sources of fire resistance or searching available the next dungeon I explore will have mines. I'm going to have to be extra-careful or win the sumo tournament early. And also decide who to give this encrypted scroll to.

Actually, there are still some rooms in UT3 to clear. Let's see what's in them.
SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
not any fire resistance

I also returned to hoover up all the loot from UT2 and UT1 for selling. As true as Troilus I searched for Trailer. As false as Cressida it got killed and eaten by the orc slaughterer. I found the orc slaughterer's equipment discarded on the floor and a kobold wandering around without a weapon. Most likely explanation: kobold collected equipment, ate a mutant bunny corpse, polymorphed into an orc, met me; I escaped; the orc slaughterer polymorphed into something that doesn't use equipment or inventory and dropped everything; polymorphed back into a kobold; I met it again.

So, my "faithful" dog Trailer is gone. Trailing will have to wait in Attnam until I can beef it up with a big serving of ommel bone.

I stuck all the banana growers to the side of the shop and science talked them ad nauseam. This is so much more effective than trying to follow them around while science talking! Richel Decos was as awkward to talk to as she normally is. 12 Int, 14 Wis. Almost ready to talk to Kaethos! Speaking of ommels, Mellis is still being generous with ommel fluids; I got a dose of ommel sweat and I've already got a can of cerumen waiting to be cloned.
Nov 1, 2016, 1:29 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
I decided to give the scroll to the High Priest. She seems to be genderfluid; when he read the scroll and gave me his quest his pronouns were different. Accepting bets on her fate at the end of my quest. The necromancer in the dungeon seems to be in denial about the whole not-escaping situation. She'll have to wait until next time.
I bought the dragon hide cloak of electricity resistance and had it repaired; 10 AC should be helpful in the gloomy caves. I'm stuck with a medium chest weighing me down, but with a belt of carrying and 15 LStr I'm only burdened. I've got +2 boots of strength in reserve if things get tough, and Mellis is making hunger a non-issue. I'm leaving the wolves in Attnam for now so they don't explode all the mines before I've very carefully hoovered up the loot in GC1.
Nov 1, 2016, 2:19 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
Explored half the level without mishap. Lots of saleable loot, found the stairs down. Suddenly a dwarf starts singing. It's day 4 and I have 44 HP, how did she manage to spawn? I guess the RNG is shining and raining this week. Retreated back to Attnam to sell some junk and consider my options. I think I'll take the wolves with me and hope one of them finds the dwarf (leaving my precious Trailing behind, we don't need two dead faithful pets in one week).

There was a polymorphed ghost of a veteran kamikaze dwarf of Legifer on the level; it can't have been responsible for the singing because the singing was about Scabies. I've fully cleared the level and there's no sign of the dwarf, the singing, or an explosion; I guess it must have been a temporarily polymorphed character.

GC2 is the wolf level! I'm bringing the wolves with me here because I like keeping life and limbs.

My wolves are getting killed, but the hostile wolves aren't piercing my armour (even my AV 2 boots) and aren't dodging my daggers. So it's just the werewolf to worry about. And I met her in human form, so everything is marvellous. Except this level. This level is drenched in blood. Looks like a mushroom infestation got nipped in the bud too.

The level's clear. No need to go back to Attnam and trade yet, I'll just drop the loot on the stairs and go to GC3. Still no fire resistance, but Attnam won't fix that. The wolves have all gotten lost or died, so I'm back to searching before every step.

Most of the level's explored. A floating eye has been following me around, and I can't find any doors with round locks to lock it behind. Had to dig my way past it once. I'm getting a bit lax about checking for mines, although at this stage of exploration most of the level will have been trodden on already. Found all gods except Mortifer, Loricatus, and Dulcis. Come on, Laurie, give me a book!

Found a thunder hammer. With a cloak of electricity resistance it's tempting! Definite maybe.

Accidentally walked into a cloud of gas, polymorphed into some very vulnerable creatures, fortunately no-one was around to take advantage. Think I squashed the mushroom before it bred.

Or maybe not. Ohhhh dear. Never mind. Level 4 will have the shop and the minefield. Onwards!
Nov 1, 2016, 2:55 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
It doesn't have much that I want. There's an amulet of ESP, but I don't need that yet. Another whip of thievery (later), another broken perception helmet, a charisma helmet (I'll be swimming in them before the end of the game). I'll take all her money though. Eventually. No mustard gas yet.

Found an altar of Loricatus! I just fought a giant spider and I am so, so poisoned and vomiting everywhere and inexplicably very hungry. Do not want to accidentally vomit on the altar. Forgot to pray to Mellis earlier, forgot to drop my empty bottles before doing so now, so I mostly got fluids. Oooops. At least there's a bottle of troll blood, that'll keep me going for a while.

Loricatus likes me! He fixed my +2 carrying belt. Found the minefield. It had a wand of cloning right next to the door! I don't have the right key to lock the door, and there's a floating eye that's going to follow me around it. I offer Mellis a bottle full of player tears.

Also found: amulet of ESP (sorry Merka), iron plate armour (so much no), arcanite helmet, broken mithril dagger of venom (yes please), helmet of understanding (OMF yes), gauntlets of Dex +1 (heart eyes), a fourth stethoscope, wand of haste (can I have 12 more please?), an oil lamp (Deer Attabus, for Attamas I wud liek: a Hie Preest Petras acshun figga wiv amyoolut of emma-lentil resistns. Luv Claudia)

Oh, and a can of banana flesh made me overloaded. Ditched the iron plate, swept up everything else, shut the door on the floating eye. You can come out later. Sold the junk to the dungeon shopkeeper (with a view to gassing her and reselling everything in Attnam). She has 1075 gold left. Before I go to Attnam and try to make a wish, I'd prefer to find the two chest rooms and make sure I don't wish for something they have. Haven't seen any trace of them so far, and I only have one scroll of detection. At this stage (with no scrolls of charging) I'd rather not be cloning them, so I'll have to dig around GC1-3 and try detection in GC4 if necessary.

Rubbed the oil lamp by accident because it got moved after I applied a pickaxe. Given how dangerous oil lamps are and how rarely they're used, there should probably be a confirmation before using them. There was no genie.

Found the hidden chest room on GC3! It even had a cloak of fire resistance next to it... on top of a mine. RNG hates me. I broke a wand of teleport in the middle of the room and (hopefully) sent the cloak and mines to different parts of the dungeon. Both mines exploded soon after. And the cloak wasn't far. I don't have any wands of polymorph or socms, and I don't want to anger Loricatus, so opening the chest can wait for now. I don't plan to spend a wish on an octagonal key when I've yet to find any scrolls of charging and don't know how many charges my wand of cloning has.
Nov 1, 2016, 3:58 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
Yeah, the chest room I found had one of those. So I stood in the entrance to GC1, took off my gloves and boots, and stepped in it a lot. Managed to take both my legs off before my groin and head started getting caught and nearly killing me. Probably I should drink some of that ommel snot before I try to remove my arms.

But now the trap is broken. And because I'm a silly old bean I prayed to Loricatus to get it repaired rather than read a scroll of repair on it. Now I have a lead leg to dispose of. Well done Claudia.

No worries, mithril is hard enough to chop off a lead leg in two goes. And an arm in the meantime. One limb to go!


OK, I'm sure we'll find some elsewhere. Now I have no limbs and it's time to invoke Silva for good limbs. First: an ommel hair left leg! Good call, Silva! Don't give me too many light crystal limbs! Like that right arm you just gave me. Not too many of those, mkay?

Erm, I'm getting hungry and Mellis isn't giving me food because apparently limbs are more important. I am never going to learn, am I? Fortunately he gave me an expensive fabric left arm rather than a gold one. Silva rounds off the set with an ommel hair right leg. 3 out of four good. It'll do for now.
Actually expensive fabric is not a very good material, is it? 5 strength and 15 flexibility, with no possibility of upgrade? It can't even wield a meteoric steel dagger without difficulty. And removing just arms is a much more difficult process than removing legs. And any time I pray for food Mellis could decide to replace my dextrous arm with gold. Sigh.

At least I have the stats to win at wrestling (by kicking) and science talk Kaethos now. And the agility to dodge golems in UT4.

Oh no. Now one of my legs is light crystal too.
Nov 1, 2016, 4:34 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
The good: There's an archangel in UT1 waiting for me to get 40 Wis and science talk him, I replaced both cans of ommel cerumen (and stored them safely in the chest), my pickaxe and daggers are all meteoric steel now, no worries about losing stats when hungry, full, or not moving.
The bad: My agility with only one ommel hair leg isn't good enough to kite the sumo wrestler or dodge her, and her kicks went straight to my torso and I lost. I'm just going to have to go through the bear trap cycle again (with a lot more breakages and scrolls of repair burnt), or wait for Silva to upgrade the non-Mellis limbs to phoenix feather. Or go through the standard vomit-cheating procedure. I have enough cans for that. Both strategies involve praying for a long time, so we'll see which one becomes feasible first.

Both my arms suck now (Mellis turned the fabric one to gold), so I guess it's time to try to bear trap them off. I'll do this by repeatedly setting the trap and picking it up, rather than stepping on it. My low dex score should ensure that my arms occasionally get trapped while setting it.

Problem: the mithril trap is too weak to damage either arm. Even the gold one with its measly 55 strength. And I put all the bear traps from UT on the floor in Attnam. Silva upgraded the crystal arm to phoenix feather, though! Maybe this is starting to turn around. But with 57 Dex I won't be able to catch either arm in the trap. I'll have to just put up with the gold one until I can get a SoCM.

The phoenix feather arm was enough to punch the sumo wrestler to death. Hello, levitator! Time to explore UT4.

Nov 1, 2016, 6:18 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
Found: a wand of polymorph (chest please), a blink dog (spawned one clone, refused to spawn another no matter how much junk I threw at it), a small chest (squeak), a scroll of wishing I don't remember picking up anywhere, a chameleon that changed into an ommel bone golem (NO THANKYOU *teleport*), a hattifattener (thankyou cloak), a weeping milky quartz blade (meh), 47 crystal stones to give to Silva (plus more when I get a strong pickaxe). The last crystal stone spawned a permanent angel for me. I named him Sailing. Got a point of Wis from his holy book, and one point each of Int and Wis from him while he was backed into a dead-end corridor that I dug. We can talk to all the non-mystic light frogs now! Let's go do that.

Also, with two blink dog corpses, 2 cans of cerumen, and a decent collection of equipment enchantment scrolls, it's time to take the wand of cloning for a test drive. Made a third blink dog corpse, 2 more cans of cerumen (still saving them for later), and two scrolls of harden material (taking the boots and gauntlets up to troll hide in preparation for the enner beast).

The cathedral light frogs were spectacularly unhelpful. Time to clone a batch of 5 cerumen and eat them.

Success! Now I can science talk the librarian and the mystic frogs. And harden the boots, and gauntlets, and ommel hair leg to phoenix feather. And start praying to Sophos and Cleptia.

The chest on GC3 contained: another wand of cloning! A broken adamantine thunder hammer also came out of the polypile. Dual thunder hammers? Yes. Absolutely yes. Rondol showed up with another wand of polymorph. Traded for some things I don't really need at the dungeon shop. Still no mustard gas, nor any sign of the second chest room. No wands of fireballs, but plenty of wands of striking and acid rain. Time to face the enner beast.

Oh, also my old severed lead left lead (114.9 kg) sold for 108 gold pieces in Attnam. Perks of picky prosthesis.
Nov 1, 2016, 8:58 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
Uh... My Int score is only 28, so I walked to the middle of the map before detecting enner flesh in order to be able to teleport there in one jump. She died at most a minute before I read the scroll, head floating in the river with limbs and corpse distributed on a line with them. It looks like two mines or one big mine exploded on or near her. But the positions of the limbs and head don't quite match the position of the smoke. Sailing the angel was in the area when I arrived, was wearing a ring of teleport, and was injured. I suspect the mine was set off near the beast, weakening her, and then Sailing arrived to sever her limbs and head in sequence.

I am definitely not complaining about not having to fight an enner beast personally. Also, I may choose to move her corpse and bits to a safe location. For Reasons.

Now it's time to get all the beautiful GC5 loot. The second chest room spawned here, much excite. Still need to vomit to dig through the wall. Found three rings of fire resistance in a small chest and squeed. Lots of scrolls, no SoCMs. Lots of hardened leather things to offer to Sophos. Maybe he'll start giving me scrolls of charging soon. Met a zombie of a quartermaster. You're in the wrong dungeon, pal! Threw daggers at a kamikaze dwarf of Loricatus until she died.

The chest had... an amulet of elemental protection! Deer Attabus, Fank yoo for my erly Attamas present. Faithfully, Claudia Donovan. Also, a magical whistle and an oil lamp. that's probably going to go on a SoCM if it has a genie. I'll need to corral those floating eyes and try to get permanent ESP, though. Also in the polypile: My first mustard gas grenade, and a triangular key! Now I just need a square one and Izzy's octagonal one. Also, ate all but one of the cerumen cans and now I can science talk my collection of archangels! First though, the zombie level.

Found a wand of mirroring! Threw daggers at the veteran kamikaze dwarf. Found a floating eye, I think the third one? Should be enough to make a meal. Spent a scroll of taming on a master necromancer because I need Int points. Found another wand of mirroring! At this point I think all that's needed to take on the dark frog level is ESP, but I'll go for some archangel talk and possibly some more phoenix feather gear first. Maybe even get Dulcis on the prayer list, since I need to do more Int talking.

Went to Attnam to ditch junk, buy marginally useful junk, and read Dulcis's books. Dulcis sent an angel after the first prayer! Silva changed my crystal leg directly to dragon hide, skipping phoenix feather! That was a really good upgrade, but I probably ought to skip praying to her from now on since I don't want the two phoenix feather limbs to change to dragon hide. Cleptia still likes me despite the amount of times I read Dulcis's book.

Went to UT3 to store my corpses and UT1 to chat up my three archangels. Went back to Attnam and got a wish from the lamp. Next I'm collecting all the floating eye corpses I can to make sure they don't need to be cloned. Then it's time to clone some SoCMs!

Um... I can't find any of the floating eyes that followed me through GC1-4. My best guess is they got polymorphed by mushroom clouds then killed and eaten by my allies. Wait. Found one! Checked the crystal cave for a third, but nothing. Cloned the last one, got permanent ESP and duplicated the SoCM. The first cloning wand had two charges, I'll see about the second cloning wand later. If they're both bad, perhaps one of the mirroring wands will have three charges. Finished off the cerumen because cloning charges seem too scarce this game to spend them after I've unlocked archangels.

The second cloning wand only had one charge, so for now I'm stuck with only 2 SoCMs to mirror, unless I burn my wish on a scroll of charging or wand of cloning. Minmax favours the charging scroll, expected value favours both choices equally. Then again, even a one-charge cloning wand from the wish would get me a collection of 4 SoCMs to be mirrored at least twice, which should be enough for all my needs. Blargh, choices.

Possible next steps:
* Scum archangels until I can science talk dolphins, then blow the wish and make everything GEF and Valpurium.
* Gas Petrus and use the two acid bottles to get the Justifier peacefully.
* Clear GC7 and GC8 then science talk the mystic frog and random necromancers before scumming archangels.
* Blow the wish or a mirroring charge, get all phoenix feather limbs, then clear GC7 and GC8.
* Sleepity night night g'bye
Nov 2, 2016, 5:27 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
What was I even talking about last night, Silva didn't "skip" phoenix feather when upgrading my leg, Silva evaluates dragon hide as being worse than phoenix feather (strength + 4*flexibility). So I can keep on praying to her without any worries. The gold arm needs to be SoCMed, preferably before I go after the dark frogs so that I can catch them before they escape. I didn't can my bottles before going to the enner beast's level, either!

I offered a pile of gold/silver/jewels to Mellis (including some I bought back from the dungeon shop) and got a second permanent angel. I named him Mailing, and got a point of Wis. Tried to scum for archangels for a little while, but none arrived. Dulcis tamed some of the outdoor residents of Attnam for me. Tried to scum the zombie level for more master necromancers, but they all died before I could reach them. OH MY GOODNESS IT'S XINROCH. THE ALIVE VERSION. I would quite like to get her +4 illithium chain mail. First I need to emergency-mirror-SoCM my two bad limbs. Or one of them. Xinroch has already killed the angel that was distracting her and seems to be after me now. Xinroch charged up to me and took my torso down to black in one hit before I could finish reading the second SoCM. That was a really bad idea. fortunately I'm alive. Used my teleport wand to get as far away as possible. There's Mailing and a stack of undead up here to distract Xinroch again while I finish my enchantments. Or run away. I'm running away. I can't use the 3 SoEAs that I mirrored to upgrade my boots and gauntlets efficiently because one of each is covered in blood. I'll leave the mirrored ones on this level, let them dry out in peace on GC5, and then come back to finish the enchantments and try to finish Xinroch. Or, I could take the archangel that Loricatus just sent me to GC6 and let him deal with Xinroch for me. Or both.

Ignigena made pretty short work of Xinroch. And was even polite enough to let me get the killing blow! I brought him to GC7 to help with the frogs. Golgor Dhan just happened to be there as well. Used one of two detection scrolls to find the mystic dark frog; fortunately it was in teleport range. Tried to charm it with Dulcis, failed, it escaped. Ur-Khan is here too! The mystic frog appears in ESP range, I use another teleport charge, and kill it in two hits. I'll have to store its corpse somewhere for cloning and resurrection. Golgor Dhan is really close the the stairs back up, but fortunately he wasn't able to follow me. I probably ought to get some better body armour before I try to fight Khan and Dhan. One more point of Int and I could make octiron armour with a SoHM.

So, the plan is this:
1. Lock myself in a small room on a level with no allies.
2. Wish for a scroll of charging.
3. Use it to get 2 more cloning charges.
4. Clone 1 mystic frog corpse, 2 SoCMs, 1 wand of resurrection, 1 can of ommel snot.
5. Clone 2 frog corpses, 2 SoCMs, 1 wand of resurrection.
6. Resurrect as many frogs as possible with one WoR.
7.1. If it had one charge, mirror the two remaining WoRs, and 3 SoEWs. Then resurrect the remaining 3 frogs and enchant the +3 meteoric steel thunder hammer as much as possible.
7.2 If it had two or three charges, use a second WoR to resurrect the other 3 frogs.
8. Science talk all four frogs, and hope they have enough magic to give me permanent haste+invisibility.
9. Upgrade equipment ad libitum.

... Problem: the mystic frog teleported away the chest with the wand of resurrection and it's somewhere on GC7. Abort!

101 Agi helped me to dodge the two bosses and find my chest. In the meantime, a +3 Mjolak was lying on the floor and an apprentice necromancer spawned with a scroll of charging. The plan's going forward, but I can hold on to my wish for now!

The wand of resurrection had 3 charges, so after resurrecting Bing, Cyning, Ring, and Thing the mystic dark frogs, I've got 5 resurrection charges left (and at least one mirroring charge). Plenty. Now it's time for SCIENCE!

The floor is covered with dark frog blood. I'm glad I'm levitating. They've given me permanent invisibility and haste and raised base Int/Wis to 46/51. So I spent my wish on a helmet of brilliance, enchanted it to +3 (the wish got me another point of intelligence), and the dolphins took me up to 95/94 Int/Wis with the wisdom hat.

Now I've got 6 SoCMs, 7 SoEAs, and 1-5 mirroring charges. I want to SoCM 6 pieces of equipment and (later) 2-4 limbs, so 1 mirroring charge will be enough. First I need a good candidate for body armour. None of the pieces I've found have been above +1, so I'll have to take an elite guard's +2 piece. The mirroring wand I used before had only one charge, so having started on the other one I'm down to 0-2 charges. But all my equipment's made of the ideal materials now, and enchantment levels are halfway there. I have very little HP on vital bodyparts, so I won't be standing my ground against the likes of Golgor Dhan and Elpuri, but there'll probably be opportunities to fix all that before it counts.

Now it's time to clear out GC7 and GC8. I brought Mailing with me, but that may have been a mistake; Golgor Dhan got distracted by Mailing and killed him pretty quickly. Nevertheless, I had the dexterity and agility to lop off Golgor's limbs and kite her before she could retaliate. Legs first, for some reason. Somehow she stopped approaching me even when both arms were attached. I held back, wanting to avoid being decapitated when I approached her, but Ur-Khan was taking a side passage and about to flank me, so I had to go in for the kill. Luckily there were no problems. Ur-Khan kept all its limbs while I kited it, but died without mishap. During a final sweep of the level (tunnelling into unexplored regions looking for the last chest room), ZQ-29 snuck up on me and got some free hits in; luckily it didn't knock me unconscious like that one time. It wandered away and it took a bit of searching to find it, but once I did I had no problems killing it. Now I've got some more SoCMs and cloning charges. GC8!
Nov 2, 2016, 6:19 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
Found a carrot in a chest! That's a candidate for cloning, along with my +7 hammer. Found another wand of cloning on the floor! I think this I can now be described as a post-scarcity character. Found a floating eye. If Trailing is really going to be my Faithful Companion wolf, it'll probably need ESP, so I'll keep a hold of the corpse.

Ivan talked to me without crashing the game! Spiffing. She's also stuck in a pool of green slime. And I left the nice ruby slippboots behind, so she can just take the damage. Vladimir opened the adamantine chest room but didn't blow it up for once, so I had to open it myself. I had a lot of polymorph charges left, but couldn't be bothered to set up a polypile, and just threw it against a wall. Apparently phoenix feather limbs have enough strength to break an adamantine chest, and the octiron chain mail inside! Eep. Strangely, the other thing in the chest was another chest. But it wasn't a disappointment because it had a Turox! Mmmmmmm, Turox. I can use my blunt weapons experience with a Turox.

Golem spawns on this level seem to be matching the golem room, but the distinctive room shape hasn't showed up, nor has the valpurium golem. Oh well.

I went to store the carrot and floating eye corpse in UT3, and this seemed like an opportune time to liberate my hometown. Turox was not invited to the party. Three of the banana growers apparently misplaced their invitations, and continued to stand next to Zolku's shop window. They'll probably just starve there. Decos's male servants seem to be comfortable where they were. I guess they snatched the supply of Mondedrian Wódka hidden in Decos's lightning-smashed couch. They're keeping it quiet though.
Nov 2, 2016, 8:12 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
Occupation: Priestx of Sophos
Location: Standing on a big mine in GC1
Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
I've science talked the dolphins and got enough resources to finish my endgame kit (and enough scrolls to repair damaged limbs without the tailor's help), so it's time to instigate plan E.

That's E for Enner. Because I'm going to try Slob's Challenge number 10.

First I need to get my allies out of the way so they don't kill the enner beast. Most of them are in the catacombs, Trailing is in UT3. Next I need to can a decent collection of healing liquids, drink lots of ommel snot, and get GEF limbs, because phoenix feather limbs aren't good for long-term enner exposure.

One of the new cloning wands had 1 charge, the other had 3 charges. That made about 6 carrots, a set of 3 floating eye corpses for Trailing, and 15 cans of ommel snot before I used the recharge scroll. Two more mirroring charges let me finish enchanting my armour, GEF my limbs, and uprgade Turox. Turox is invited to this party. Here we go!

Uh... interesting results here. I didn't manage to keep the corpse pieces fresh enough, and they started to develop flies. The first zap of the wand of resurrection revived her, but still with flies like a zombie and unconscious. Further zaps weren't able to take her above 7 HP. Merely throwing a ring at her severed an arm off, but at least she woke up. Time to start running. And hoping that her head is in good enough condition to scream, because otherwise I need to think of an interesting plan F.

No worries, I heard screaming before I hit the opposite end of the map. Probably what I should have done is resurrect her next to Petrus. Oh well. Random walks in 2D have certain nice properties that should make that not an issue. I hope her scream has enough power to do the job. The danger is that all the near misses will just train her endurance and make trouble for me later on.

Haathbar's dead. I guess the library is fair game now. The first thing I took was a book of Cleptia. How appropriate. Farmers and hunters are starting to fall. And Hulbo's slave. My whip of thievery broke. That's my fault for forgetting to upgrade it to GEF. I'm sure a +5 one will spawn sometime anyway. Hulbo called someone an infidel when she died. I guess she had that line prepared for me. I'm just standing here whistling innocently.

The enner beast isn't leaving a trail of blood any more, I guess she managed to regenerate HP in a way that the wand of resurrection wasn't able to manage. She still has flies though. Mostly on her head, I think. Let's have a look inside the cathedral. All Petrus's wives are dead. Two dolphins are dead and the rest are swimming in blood. I thought Mirvo was dead, but I guess she was just outside ESP range for a while. Or had a bad head injury that took her intelligence below 5. Actually Hulbo's still alive. Sigh.

I think it's time to put myself at risk and go close enough to the enner beast to actively lead her into the Cathedral. I have the HP for it (1015) and Attnam's not going to massacre itself. The main hall's strewn with blood, fortunately light frogs don't seem to have the same haematic issues as dark frogs. She followed me right into the main hall, killed a guard, and started running away! That made no sense. She returned after a while, though. Partly because I used my magic whistle. It can't teleport the beast to me, but it can call for attention. The alternative is horns of fear, which would probably have the opposite effect. Might be useful to chase the beast towards Petrus though. By this point half the cathedral guards, all the non-giant frogs, and all Petrus's male slaves were dead.

It's a good thing the call-for-attention function of whistles and horns doesn't have to recharge. A few puffs managed to manoeuvre the beast next to Petrus for several turns. She's on 620/637 HP. You're gonna have to do better than that, enner! A little more and Petrus 536/634 - she had a scar! This is going to work. Every time I blew the whistle, the enner beast changed direction and ends up spending a few ticks next to Petrus. She seemed to scream very reliably on the turns I blew the whistle - presumably because it's an action that takes much longer than running with 99 Agi. Petrus is down to 274/636 now. I don't think this is going to destroy her head and skip the amulet of life saving, so I'm only halfway there. And Petrus's endurance has been trained up to 44. Her regeneration can't match the enner beast's destructive power, though.

Petrus died! Round two. This time the enner beast has to take down 751 HP. In the meantime, three of my GEF limbs have been scarred for maximum waterfalls of tears. I'm not going to take the time to replace them, it's not worth it. The scars have only cost 7 max HP so far. The giant dark frog and the master guard lasting longer than Petrus's first life shouldn't be taken as a reflection on their hitpoints or resistance to sound - they just didn't spend as much time as her standing next to an enner beast smiling sweetly.

Haedlac Galladon VII the master guard died screaming when Petrus reached approximately 440 HP. I'm interested in getting her hexagonal key, but there's not so much mischief to be had when most of the people living near hexagonal locks are dead. Oh well. The untamed elite guard to the right of Petrus is doing very well; that's because she's so much further away from Petrus than the guards to her left. Maybe she can be my master guard when I'm high priestess. If I survive the inevitable encounter with Ischaldirh when I return to the dungeon.

Petrus is on 213/821 HP (48 End). I should mention at this point that I don't have a plan to kill the enner beast when this is over; I left all my wands in UT1 to avoid possible breakages. Then again, I don't think the enner beast will be able to do much to stop me leaving town to retrieve them. It's not like when you attack Attnam and suddenly a housewife can stop you leaving if you're in his field of vision.

OOH! We have a dead Petrus! Now it's time to put those acid bottles and veteran guards to work.
Nov 2, 2016, 8:20 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
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Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
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In other news, if you throw a non-worthless object at an enemy on cathedral grounds, and the item breaks when it hits the enemy, then the item falls on the floor and transfers ownership to the cathedral before it breaks. And you are identified as the cause of the breakage, so you aggravate the Attnam team and the angels show up to attack you. I'm pretty sure that's a bug.

I mean, so is the enner beast, or mustard gas, or sulphuric acid killing Petrus without any complaint or attempt to survive. But breaking thrown objects before they transfer ownership might be easier to fix. But now I don't have to go through weird machinations with a dual-shield betrayed guard to get my Justifier and hexagonal key. Yay!

We will defend the holy order!
Bit late for that, mates!
Nov 3, 2016, 11:56 am
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
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Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
Fortunately the angry angels are slow enough to let me dash past them and claim the Justifier and the hexagonal key. Throwing Haedlac's valpurium sword finished off the enner beast. The surviving residents of Attnam seem to be:
* Two elite guards
* The eunuch guard
* The giant light frog
* Mirvo, Ikiros, Hulbo
* A hunter
I'd like to try locking the angels in one of the cathedral rooms with Haedlac's key. Tried to do it to an elite guard, but she just kicked the door down. Angels won't be able to do that.

Locked Inlux and one angel in the dolphin room, but Inlux teleported out. Should have seen that coming. Locked the other one in the altar room and raided the treasury. Mellis will be pleased!

I think it's time to retrieve my friends from the catacombs and leave Attnam. I didn't spend any time mining out GC1, so leading them all to GC6 to wait for Ischaldirh will be impossible. I'll just have to do my best in GC1.

Apparently the game doesn't let all my allies autofollow me out of Attnam when there are enemies present, so only 8 wolves came with me to GC1. That wouldn't be nearly enough. Had to kill the rest of Attnam (and the angels, who my allies had let out of their rooms) to get everyone into GC1. Now it's time to excavate as much of the level as possible. Without triggering issue 120.

Mellis traded my golden banana peel into a banana! What a betrayal! T_T

Ischaldirh has shot her first fireball! it's time for action!
Nov 3, 2016, 12:25 pm
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
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Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
All the allies on the level are successfully distracting Ischaldirh from casting spells at me, but I need to kill her quickly to avoid disasters (she can blow up wands even when they're contained in chests). Teleporting next to her doesn't work because she reacts too quickly and teleports away. Teleporting to a spot where I can throw sharp objects at her works beautifully. First, Golgor Dhan's sapphire scimitar. Next, Ur-Khan's ruby halberd. That took off her left leg. Next, Haedlac's valpurium long sword. The priest's arcanite mace. The +7 adamantine thunder hammer that I swapped out for the Justifer. That took off her right arm. An adamantine short sword from Merka's shop. Ischaldirh apparently summonned an orc general. I don't really understand how that happened. Doesn't she normally summon golems? A golden long sword from the treasury. A mithril hammer that Loricatus gifted to me. The unenchanted adamantine thunder hammer from GC4. That took her left arm off. A bronze long sword (no damage). A mithril dagger. That took her right leg off. Haedlac's valpurium shield (no damage). A helmet of attractivity. A mithril dagger of venom. An octiron bear trap. An octiron quarterstaff. A diamond stone. Two broken whips of thievery. I'm not doing very much or any damage now, and I'm more or less out of good things to throw. Time to unequip the justifier, and hope she doesn't zap my box full of wands and make me polymorph into a medium-sized ant.

Throwing the Justifier took her head off without any problems. ))))

Now it's time for TREASURE! Then Elpuri.
Nov 5, 2016, 5:19 am
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This is so entertaining! What happens to Elpuri?
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Nov 5, 2016, 8:17 am
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
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Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
It's not quite time for Elpuri. First I want to complete Trailing's transformation into a psychic ommel-juiced superwolf. I locked it in a room to run around for a while (increasing its hunger - apparently allies don't lose nutrition while walking around the world map), then cloned some medium chests and SoCMs, then put my 5 bottles of ommel urine and an ommel tooth chest in the room. It ate a third of the chest. Maybe the floating eyes were a mistake. I waited a little longer (with the chest on a different level not rotting), but it didn't get hungrier. 54 strenth, 135 agility, 53 endurance, 128 perception, 37 intelligence, 26 wisdom, 53 charisma, 561 HP, infravision, ESP will have to be enough. It won't be killing Elpuri, but it'll probably not die too often. Onwards!

I also stole all of the precious stones from the cathedral hall, kicked down Petrus's beds, kicked down the smith's anvil, kicked down the coffin in the catacombs, stole the avatar of Valpurus (tried to sacrifice it to Valpurus, he didn't want it), and tried to kick down the two thrones (they're unbreakable). Offered all the stones to Mellis. No new angels. Locked the (intact) cathedral doors before I left. We don't want thieves getting in, do we?

Tried to bring the polar bear with me too, but it just got lost too often. Added Bing, Cying, Ring, and Thing the mystic dark frogs to my party when I passed through GC5. Their health was still quite low. I tried to feed them some healing liquid, but they seemed uninterested. Well, if they die that's their loss! They seemed a bit nostalgic when they passed through GC7. Maybe they don't like having siblings. Well, that's just tough. Ivan was ready to follow me from GC8, but Vladimir got stuck in green slime. Oh, Vladimir. Be a coward, see if I care.

Speaking of cowardice, All my wands are desperately begging me to leave them on the stairs. I'm going to indulge them.

There were two mines in Elpuri's room. A dark frog stepped on one (a big mine) before I finished reading my teleport scroll, and set the other one off. Most of the frogs died immediately. The mystic frog still needed a critical stab. Elpuri lost 123 HP. Buckle up, E, there's gonna to be more explosions. And also a cloud of blue gas when Turox breaks the teak staff of wondrous smells sitting in my inventory. Elpuri was given the gift of levitation for a few brief moments, then lost its head.

Let's see how everyone else is doing. The orc room spawned on this level, so they're probably fighting desperately or semidesperately. Or just stuck in a corridor. Or being slaughtered by an elite dark knight. Oh, Sherarax the mistress queen appeared. And he's two tiles away from Trailing. I guess I might need Ischaldirh's resurrection wand.

I tried to teleport between them, but ended up somewhere else. Looks like there was a wall between Sherarax and Trailing. Teleported to a square actually in the corridor he was following, and killed him in three hits. Now I need the resurrection wand. Went to GC8. Two orcs followed me. Accidentally set off Turox while dispatching them, which set off the teleportation wand inside the chest I was standing on, which teleported away my chest full of wands. Facepalm.

Found it. It was of course in the middle of the region that's raining acid. Where else would it be? Fortunately the unused resurrection and cloning wands both survived. And now Sherarax is friendly. Time to duplicate/upgrade some equipment for him.

Amulets of elemental protection can't be cloned?! Legifer, do you drink from a +5 illithium mug full of player tears? I used an oil lamp from the cathedral to wish for another amulet of life saving to give to Sherarax. Now I have a fully equipped dog walker in my employ. And he has helpfully informed me that if I think he's tough, I should avoid Sherarax, his queen. And that no man has ever lived through a night with her. Not sure why he thinks I need to know about men's survival rates with his namesake.
Nov 5, 2016, 8:42 am
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Wow, Sherarax has no dialog of her own! I'll have to take a look at that!
Nov 5, 2016, 9:43 am
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I'm switching Turox for my lost ruby flaming sword of Xinroch. It's not even close to being as good a weapon, and I can't SoCM it, but it won't randomly blow up any scrolls and wands that I keep in my inventory. And it'll train my Justifier skill.

Sherarax seems less interested in walking the wolf and more interested in slaughtering orcs. Fine by me.

Actually, where is that wolf. Trailing! *whistle* Where are you? Offscreen wandering around with 303/538 health. OK. Come and keep me company while I train my skill with large swords.

The orc general had two bottles of ommel urine. Sherarax was full after 1. Trailing took the other.

There were a few other mistresses on the level. One called me a boy. I showed him "boy".

Strong box! I'll put my good wands in there. Trailing killed an elite dark knight but ended up with a mere 28 HP. Don't die yet, you've got a long way to go! An orc squad leader stabbed Trailing a little bit, then Trailing got stuck in brown slime, then freed itself, then an apprentice dark mage electrocuted it.

Trailing, you always were trailing behind the power curve.

So now Sherarax has been promoted from "dog-substitute walker" to "faithful companion". Since I don't anticipate meeting any more angry archangels, he should be able to stay alive for the rest of the trip without help. If not, well, I found a wand of necromancy in Infuscor's altar room and there are going to be plenty of dark knight corpses in Oree's lair. Sherarax, write that down in your copybook now.

Fun things to do with GEF limbs: kick fragments of summoned skeletons at necromancers rather than approach them. Kick down walls rather than using a pickaxe on them.

It spawned 3 tiles away from the stairs. Eek! I guess that settles the question of whether to try to kill them or not. I hope Sherarax and the tame valpurium golem will be helpful.

OK the first thing they did was teleport away my Justifier. NOT COOL. At least I'm still hasted. Ischaldirh's octagonal key saves me from trying to tunnel through the wall. Arcanite golems are difficult to kill with just the ruby flaming sword, so Turox comes back out. This is exactly the kind of work Turox was made for. It breaks the arcanite golem quickly, and I'm through to the squishy meat in the middle of the room. Sherarax is on the way to help, first he has to deal with the other arcanite golem.

Something, don't know what, happened when I killed the next wizard. I didn't see a fire explosion, but staves of wondrous smells exploded, wands of acid rain exploded, wands of teleportation exploded, bottles exploded, I have 884/1037 HP. On the plus side, it's raining acid on all the wizards. On the minus side, I don't think it's raining on the elder dark mages. I'm going straight for them because I think they're the only ones that can cast energy spells on me. One down. killed a mystic frog on the way to the second. Two down. Hopefully we can kill the rest in relative peace. Maybe with the thunder hammers, 'cause Turox and the ruby sword are both covered in healing liquid.

The room's clear. If "clear" can be accepted to include being awash with sulphuric acid, raining sulphuric acid, filled with blue gas and smoke, and strewn with corpses, lumps of arcanite and octiron, bones, staves, and cloaks. And gradually filling up again with zombies. I took all the scrolls and wands. And some of the residents escaped during the teleportsplosion.

I'm now both hasted and slowed, which cancel each other out. But the slowing is probably temporary. Found the Justifier without needing to detect material! An orc general on the other end of the level to me is holding it. A mystic thunder zapped away my thunder hammer! Then made me teleport! That's only gonna make things worse for you, froggy!

Trying to clear out the portal room while slowed and unjustifiered was probably not the smartest idea, but Sherarax arrived soon after me to do the bulk of the work. Recovered my good thunder hammer. And apparently someone had teleported away the avatar of Valpurus! How very dare they! That belongs in my, uh, inventory... Maybe it doesn't. Anyway, time to get back my Justifier. Petrus's Ju-- no, my Justifier.
Nov 5, 2016, 9:44 am
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Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
red_kangaroo wrote
Wow, Sherarax has no dialog of her own! I'll have to take a look at that!
I didn't report it the other times I resurrected her because I thought it was funny.
Nov 5, 2016, 10:59 am
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
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Posts: 258
This doesn't really deserve a section. I hit the orc, I hit the orc, the orc died, I took the Justifier. Cliffhanger for nothing.

Also I tamed the mistress warlady that spawned. Took bets on whether he'd survive Oree's lair. Sherarax whispered "He's participated in the weekly orgy at Nefas's High Temple and survived". Sounds like a yes. The valpurium golem said "Yes, master." That's two. Trailer's digested meat in a rotting kobold corpse (offscreen) said nothing. I guess that means no? Trailing's corpse said likewise. Sailing and Mailing the angels of Silva and Mellis telepathically communicated (from a different plane of existence) to say "We don't care, infidel. Why haven't you made any sacrifices lately?" Be that way. I guess those are two more no votes.

So that's 1:2 odds on the warlady (Wingding) surviving. I'm not sure there are any actual stakes involved. Maybe a can of banana flesh to those who guessed correctly and are around to collect. All Ivan's bottles of vodka exploded during a Turox accident, and the enner beast smashed the bottles from the Attnam cellar.

There's mages here too. I'd better let my allies take care of the entrance room while I sort everything out. The mystic dark frog died pretty easily. The elder dark mage had the bright idea to hit me with a burst of energy while I was standing next to her. So, a bunch of wands exploded, she got slowed, she got zapped with electricity, she was caught in an explosion, she got rained on with acid, she got turned invisible, she got hit with two bursts of energy, and she died. Also I got cloned. My clone doesn't have leprosy, so maybe I was wrong when I thought that was a thing that happened. She doesn't have any clothes either, so I gave her some hand-me-downs.

Oree the blood daemon king doesn't often get a fair chance when I meet her, so this time I let her attack me a little while I fought the angel of Cruentus. The result was she broke her nymph hair gauntlets punching my sword. Ouch.

She's not too bad at kicking - she often throws me off balance. Her vomit attack... well, fortunately I still have my amulet. Anyway, it's time to put an end to this. I have two holy handgrenades of Antioch that I want to clone and distribute throughout the portal room while Oree is locked inside it and... stop kicking me! St-- oh, hi Claudia. Hi Sherarax. I'm going to lock this door, teleport somewhere else, and kill this dark battlemage, could you leave Oree alone and follow me? No? You want to just kill Oree by striking her in the groin with your mithril hammer covered with different types of blood +2? Fine. Don't drink the pepsi, though.

Let's see what happened to my other allies. There's still an elite dark knight in the entrance room, that's a bad sign. And three acidous blood golems. And a lump of valpurium on the floor. And Wingding's corpse. I am sorely disappointed. No can of banana flesh for you, Sherarax.
Nov 5, 2016, 11:32 am
Joined: Apr 9, 2016
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Interests: the relation of queer crystal hyperfeminism and amphibious neutronium cybersocialist art
Posts: 258
I kicked the silver magic portal a few times (no effect), then traversed the golden magic portal, which spat me out on GC1. Told all my allies to follow me back. They were: Sherarax, Claudia Donovan, an elite guard, the patrol guard (on fire and wearing one of Petrus's wives' chastity belts), a veteran guard, and 19 wolves. That's almost a staff! Time to do some reading, 'cause Valpurus isn't at all happy with me.

I unlocked the doors to the great hall in the most ceremonious way possible (applying the key to the lock), led all my allies inside, moved the severed enner beast head to its rightful place at my left hand (does that creepy moving severed head really need to be fanned with palm branches? Yes, absolutely), and sat.

Directly by me:
Nothing much interesting here, except Ischaldirh the dark archmage being killed by a flying holy broadsword named Valpurus's Justifier covered with poison +16 in gloomy cave level 1. And the resurrected enner beast by Haedlac's flying longsword in Attnam.
By my allies:
* A bunch of New Attnam colonists were killed by wolves.
* Sailing the angel of Silva killed the enner beast! I knew it!
* Vladimir managed to kill a floating eye somehow.
* A flat mommo slime was killed by Sherarax the mistress queen's dirty attack below the belt while polymorphed into an apprentice dark mage in gloomy cave level 10. So much gained, so much lost.
* An elder dark mage was killed by an explosion of a wand of striking caused by herself in Oree's lair.
* Two apprentice dark mages were killed by an explosion of a wand of lightning caused by an elder dark mage in GC12.
* Most of Attnam killed by an enner beast's scream.
* Trailer was killed by an orc slaughterer as expected.
* The valpurium golem was killed by an acidous blood golem's dirty attack below the belt in Oree's Lair.
* Wingding the mistress warlady was killed by an elite dark knight.
* One of my wolves died by stepping on a broken bottle in GC1. I suspect it was more like 40 broken bottles discarded on the same tile.

Guugzamesh and skeleton Xinroch apparently never showed up.
Final score: 1128550
I think "fool" was a test character who checked that New Attnam was correctly renamed/repronouned.
Nov 5, 2016, 11:08 pm
Joined: Dec 3, 2007
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Nice run, that was entertaining.
Uchuudonge wrote
creating stable chaos
making patterns where there should be none
sewing order into the chaos
you spit in the face of random numbers, of chaos
Nov 6, 2016, 12:18 am
Joined: Sep 8, 2010
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An inspiring and entertaining run

Serin-Delaunay wrote
I think I fixed this for the next version, but this bug is still there in 0.507

Serin-Delaunay wrote
Ischaldirh apparently summonned an orc general.
Is this related to the Angels leaving orc corpses behind?

Also: do you think that the Enner boy and Enner girl should create undead configurations to make ghosts etc? I spotted one in one of your screen grabs.
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
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