French translation

Nov 1, 2011, 8:08 am
Joined: Nov 1, 2011
Posts: 2
I'm a big fan of IVAN (even if I suck at it) and started translating the game for a friend of mine to enjoy. The work was harder that I imagined. There may be some english here and there, but it's over for the most part now.

The .exe is here, along with the modified source.
If you're a native french speaker, enjoy !

I have a couple of things that I couldn't figure :
-What's a navastater ?
(after eating frog's flesh)
"Arg. You feel the fate of a navastater placed upon you..."

-Didn't get it at all :
ADD_MESSAGE("%s hurle : "Oh my Frog, %s's got %s %s!"", CHAR_DESCRIPTION(DEFINITE), Char->CHAR_PERSONAL_PRONOUN_THIRD_PERSON_VIEW, Weapon->GetArticle(), Weapon->GetNameSingular().CStr());

Thank to all the people that makes IVANX possible.
Nov 1, 2011, 8:15 am
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Wow! Good work there, although I cannot judge the accuracy of the translation. I'm sure Blob would approve of this.
Nov 1, 2011, 9:19 am
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trotter wrote
I'm a big fan of IVAN (even if I suck at it) and started
ADD_MESSAGE("%s hurle : "Oh my Frog, %s's got %s %s!"", CHAR_DESCRIPTION(DEFINITE), Char->CHAR_PERSONAL_PRONOUN_THIRD_PERSON_VIEW, Weapon->GetArticle(), Weapon->GetNameSingular().CStr());

Nice work! No idea what a navastater is, but this ^ sends a message:
"X hurle: 'Oh my frog, Y's got Z' "
X is the character description of the person shouting, Y is the personal pronoun describing the player (I think it's always 'he') and Z is the article ('a'/'an') and name of the carried weapon. The %s means 'replace this', and the other phrases are what it should be replaced by.

eg, if a farmer sees you carrying an octiron thunder hammer:
Weapon->GetArticle() = "an"
Weapon->GetNameSingular().CStr() = "octiron thunder hammer"

then the message would be:
"The Farmer hurle : "Oh my Frog, he's got an octiron thunder hammer!""
Beware! 'tis EagleV, Hardcore Weaver of Baskets!
Nov 1, 2011, 10:33 am
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Nice work
Nov 1, 2011, 11:42 am
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Wonderful work Translating IVAN must've been very challenging.

Navastater, hmm, the Devs came up with it. It's part of the holy stack and can be found in Mola_Mola.rtf:

to navastate – For example, it is navastating to ponder what navastating means.

By the way, did you translate the opening story and the encrypted scroll?
Batman? wrote
its been so long since i had gotten that far i didnt think it through. arrrr!!!!!!
Nov 1, 2011, 12:57 pm
Joined: Nov 1, 2011
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Thanks everyone, I didn't think I could have so many anwsers.
Thanks Eagle V.

By the way, did you translate the opening story and the encrypted scroll?
Yes I did (if you're curious). The most challenging things was gender, I used "UsesLongArticle = true;" flag to do it. We have also three ways to translate "the" (le/la/l'), I had to add a new flag for it. And his/her work differently in french, it's not based on the gender of the owner but on the gender of the item. Also, liquid on the floor or covering a weapon is not the same ("dU sang/dE sang). Little annoying things like that.

Navastater will be "Navastateur" then.
Nov 1, 2011, 10:10 pm
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Impressive! Blob would indeed approve of this (as would Planplan), and any other Frenchman that follows the Violent Road to Death. Welcome, trotter.

Eagle V wrote
"X hurle: 'Oh my frog, Y's got Z' "
... Z is the article ('a'/'an') and name of the carried weapon.
Z is not an article! Don't insult the man like that
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