Sorry for a new topic, but I don't think anyone has suggested this before, and I thought it deserves a particular mention.
This is an extension to the infinite bananas trick - ie. kicking bananas from the landing zone after the gatherers drop them but before the ostriches pick them up.
I guess anyone who tried this can agree that the ostriches are particularly annoying. So here'sone more use for the wand of door creation:
Just wait for a while or run around New Attnam and then kick whatever you want out of the steadily approaching infinity pile of bananas.
If you're wondering what to do with all the bananas and peels, here are some ideas:
1. bankrupting the Attnam shop by selling it only bananas
2. decorating every single tile of New Attnam with banana peels
3. doing the above and then pissing off Decos
4. becoming a champion of Nefas using only sacrificial bananas