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Posted by red_kangaroo, Nov 2, 2017 at 4:57 am
I finally managed to beat the resurrected Xinroch and become the Master Dark Knight!

Note that I say beat, not kill him. I really, really like that unlike every other boss (except Jenny), you don't have to kill him - I managed to cut off his arm, take the lost ruby sword and walk through the portal, leaving him to his own devices. I like to imagine there's now a one-handed Xinroch already planning how to bring me down from my new position.

Moments of note:

* I played "semi-natural" limbs game. Three limb natural, one leg made of phoenix feather that Silva gave me after the vampire in the first vampire room bit my leg off.
* The zombie room dropped a nice ommel hair armor of great health that I actually used for the rest of the game - I'm a proof, guys, AOGH is actually viable.
* I did NOT get an ommel bone golem on the first golem floor, for which I was infinitely thankful.
* I managed to get myself trapped in a corridor between the two enner children. That was close and I only barely survived.
* The priestess level is still brutal once she manages to summon some necromancers. I guess I should just kill her immediately, but I don't have the heart to do so to a peaceful NPC.
* Earthquake really, really helps with the tactical level. I used two earthquakes (Silva and a scroll) and managed to open several shortcuts that made the level much more manageable.
* Gus spawned so late I totally missed killing him and only realized while reading my massacre history.
* The last level (where resurrected Xinroch dwells) was pretty intense. Mellis gave me an angel and I tried to eradicate as many mages as possible and then lure Xinroch away from them so I wasn't pelted with magic every turn. He killed my angel and nearly cut my limbs off before I managed a lucky hit and cut off his own arm.
* I killed Decos and co. and before leaving NA, cloned myself and left the clone in the village. Now when the Attnamese come in the spring, there will be someone to protect Tweraif.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Oct 30, 2017 at 11:02 am
Batman? wrote
Is the slowing effect on enemies permanent?

No, only temporary.

Batman? wrote
Is there a way to increase the likelyhood of the magical effect happening?

The chance is hardcoded, so not without changing the code. Do you find it triggers enough, or too rarely?

I would love to hear any feedback you can give. I tried for as much balance as I could, but as always, there will probably crop up things that will need revision after more playtime.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Oct 28, 2017 at 6:28 am
fejoa wrote
Can anyone tell me if the new file works?

Works for me on both Windows 7 and Linux through Wine.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Oct 28, 2017 at 5:57 am
Batman? wrote
question, when i play in windows the screen is really small, is there some way to make the window larger?

Are you using fullscreen? it is very, very small without being fullscreen. But there is the new scaling option, so try to switch to eg. 2x graphics and even windowed might be better.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Oct 27, 2017 at 6:54 pm
Here's the thread.

Here's one more bug report, so something is probably up:

I got constant c++ runtime eror every time u save the game ? tho game saves and loads dat save corectly
Posted by red_kangaroo, Oct 27, 2017 at 5:39 pm
OK, first bug report from reddit:

Although its not too big a deal since it loads so quickly but every time I die and it asks to show me my inventory and kill list it crashes. Did I extract it improperly or is this a common thing?
Posted by red_kangaroo, Oct 27, 2017 at 7:46 am
fejoa wrote
That's great, what platform are you running? I tested on Win7 and it works.

I tried it on Linux through Wine, actually. It runs just as well as compiled on Linux directly.

fejoa wrote
Can you please update the RogueBasin announcements for us red? I lost my password

Of course.

EDIT: Announced on r/roguelikes, Temple of the Roguelike and RogueBasin.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Oct 27, 2017 at 7:39 am
Works for me.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Oct 26, 2017 at 1:31 pm
Loosing a head while polymorphed into a zombie, I found out that your Per is not at all affected by you being headless. Loosing your head (and still living) should definitely set your Per to 0. You should be unable to see, hear or smell without your head, but right now, well... Your Int is decreased, though, which is cool. Also the priests will see nothing strange about summoning you a new head and the gods can grant you an artificial head.

However, this got me thinking that we could also use a Blindess status for times when you only want the player to be unable to see, but his or her perception remains unaffected - after all, you could loose your sight due to a spell or strong light, but still be able to hear and smell normally. It might also work similarly to having no light source in darkness (making the area around you dark) rather than as if you had 0 Per (when you can still see your own tile, but not even the adjacent ones).
Posted by red_kangaroo, Oct 25, 2017 at 3:13 am
There were some ideas floating around about making the three types of physical damage (blunt, piercing and slashing) somewhat different. What if we made the weapons using different damage types distinct through different damage ranges?

Right now, each weapon has a base damage calculated from its stats and can do from 75% to 125% base damage, which is the displayed damage range. We could tweak this:

* slash damage could remain as now (75% - 125% base),
* pierce damage could do from 50% to 150% base (it can hit a vital organ, or pierce only muscle, doing less damage than normal),
* blunt damage could be consistent, always doing base damage, no range.

This way, weapons using different damage types would feel more distinct, but we would not need (much) rebalancing, as the base (and average over many hits) damage would remain the same.

What do you think? Do you have other ideas about physical damage types?