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Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 23, 2017 at 4:34 am
chaostrom wrote
Which is what, exactly? I don't remember, and it's not on the wiki.

* Cannot panicked or confused
* Cannot be knocked unconscious
* Immune to cloning and polymorph
* Immune to item teleport and thievery
* Immune to gases (Petrus is not)
* Highly resistant to fire, electricity and striking
* Hasted

Plus Xinroch will summon his own skeleton and elite dark knights.

chaostrom wrote
For that matter, what are the specifics of the artifact flaming sword? Is it actually special, or is it just a heavily enchanted flaming sword?

Cannot be broken, made of ruby and +13. Pretty strong to use.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 22, 2017 at 7:39 pm
Announced on r/roguelikes, Temple of the Roguelike and RogueBasin.

It's already after midnight here and now I have the itch to go and play a bit. And I blame you, fejoa, because new releases always do that to me.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 22, 2017 at 1:07 pm
Zappable/applied effects could be a nice distinguishing feature between magic weapons and artifacts.

I'm not too keen on adding more effects to magic weapons, as they are already quite strong and useful, and adding more effects to them would make them overshadow normal weapons way too much, IMHO. Flaming swords give you light and fire damage which is not blocked by armor, thunder hammers have very strong lightning bolts that will kill everything quickly if you can survive them yourself, whips of thievery are just badass, etc. They are all quite useful without being overpowered, and even those that can be a bit tricky to use (staves of wondrous smells) are actually quite effective if you're careful.

Giving zappable effects to artifacts, though, would be a nice way to make them feel even more special. I like that.

chaostrom wrote
For that matter, how complex can a weapon effect be? So far all existing effects are singular, what about a rare, time-based weapon that can slow an enemy while hasting you at the same time? Is that possible?

That would be rather easy. Chilling axes already slow your enemies, you could just add:

Hitter->BeginTemporaryState(HASTE, 100 + RAND_N(200));
Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 22, 2017 at 7:20 am
chaostrom wrote
For that matter, can you tweak Xinroch's final form as well? In the other thread it was mentioned that you didn't need to kill him, only take his sword, which makes it potentially too easy.

He can be buffed to make up for it, but I really like that you don't need to kill him if you can manage to sever his sword-arm.

chaostrom wrote
Xinroch should have some protection against magical effects. Some resistance to fire/lightning/acid, immune to polymorph and thievery if possible.

He's already resistant/immune to all the things Petrus and Oree are.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 21, 2017 at 9:09 am
I don't mind the mage, he is very fragile, so you only have to find him quickly, but the golems are really hardcore if a diamond or an ommel bone one generates. Maybe you could keep the golems as is, only without the strongest being generated?


The other thread is here.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 18, 2017 at 4:08 am
Ischaldirh wrote
Is Leprosy the reason for the "You are suddenly afraid of germs" messages? I've been curious about those

No, that's your disease immunity timing out. Maybe you ate some mushrooms and they gave you disease immunity?
Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 17, 2017 at 5:02 pm
capristo wrote
I didn't know sirens could turn your pets against you, nice!

Neither did I. I wouldn't have let my angel anywhere near that siren otherwise!
Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 17, 2017 at 1:30 pm
Wow, I was completely annihilated by my own angel.

I got an angel from sacrificing to Cruentus and we were steamrolling through GC. But when I needed to return to Attnam to sell my loot, my angel ran after a siren. The siren survived the first round with only some lost limbs and brainwashed my angel, turning her hostile!

Well, before I got a turn, my angel disabled both my arms. No wands for me. I tried to pray to Nefas for a mistress to use as a meat shield while I tactically run the hell away, but she gave me a new arm instead. Unfortunately, the arm didn't make it through the next angel's attack, so still no wands. I tried praying to Cruentus even though his prayer timeout was not enough, but he liked me enough to try to help anyway. He managed to scare the siren, but not his own angel...

Next turn, I was only a torso and a head, 3 HP left. Then my wonderful angel beheaded me.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 17, 2017 at 1:18 pm
Campos wrote
Speaking of leprosy, what are its effects on non-humanoid creatures ?

It slowly drains their stats.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Dec 15, 2017 at 6:19 pm
I must say I like the new sores message, because I do notice it and it definitely helps.

Hm, I've never actually been confused by sirens... They only ever steal my stuff.