Hmm, perhaps when PC and a non-hostile NPC chats, it could end all their action points, since they have stopped to chat with the PC. 'R' would then have to memorize the chat direction.
I think Psypher was a material that first appeared in LIVAN. I'd say Lampshade probably gave it 600 strength without thinking about the consequences. I tend to agree with Azhael, it's overpowered as a golem material, and perhaps a bit unexpected for players whose experience is of Valpurium being the strongest material.
Psypher suggests it has some exotic properties. Perhaps it's strength could be reduced in favour of it gaining some weird effects, like granting extra intelligence, golems of this material doing psy attacks, granting/blocking esp, blocking mindworms, or enabling astral projection. Or perhaps the mere presence of the material has these strange effects all over a level?