Next I'll try and get it accepted into the main Ubuntu software source, so more people can play and download it more easily. For now, here's my PPA for anyone who'd like to play or test original IVAN ("CVS"):
C:k8-i-v-a-n>0build.bat The JAM_TOOLSET environment variable is not defined, defaults to MINGW Compiler is GCC with MinGW MSG: 'standard' profile MSG: windoze build MSG: using local saves MSG: sound support enabled MSG: support for compressed saves turned on ...found 845 targets... ...updating 42 targets... ( 2%) C++ ._wbuildsrcfelibbitmap.o mingw32-g++: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory c:mingwbinmingw32-g++ -c -o ._wbuildsrcfelibbitmap.o -O2 -march=native -m tune=native -Wall -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -g -DWIZARD -DLOCAL_SAVES - DUSE_ZLIB -Isrcfelib -I./src/felib -I./windoze/include -I./windoze/include/SDL srcfelibbitmap.cpp ...failed C++ ._wbuildsrcfelibbitmap.o ... ( 4%) C++ ._wbuildsrcfelibconfig.o mingw32-g++: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory c:mingwbinmingw32-g++ -c -o ._wbuildsrcfelibconfig.o -O2 -march=native -m tune=native -Wall -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -g -DWIZARD -DLOCAL_SAVES - DUSE_ZLIB -Isrcfelib -I./src/felib -I./windoze/include -I./windoze/include/SDL srcfelibconfig.cpp ...failed C++ ._wbuildsrcfelibconfig.o ... ( 7%) C++ ._wbuildsrcfeliberror.o
...failed C++ ._wbuildsrcgametrapset.o ... ( 92%) C++ ._wbuildsrcgamewmapset.o mingw32-g++: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory c:mingwbinmingw32-g++ -c -o ._wbuildsrcgamewmapset.o -O2 -march=native -m tune=native -Wall -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -g -DWIZARD -DLOCAL_SAVES - DUSE_ZLIB -Isrcgame -I./src/felib -I./windoze/include -I./windoze/include/SDL srcgamewmapset.cpp ...failed C++ ._wbuildsrcgamewmapset.o ... ( 95%) C++ ._wbuildsrcgamewskill.o mingw32-g++: error: CreateProcess: No such file or directory c:mingwbinmingw32-g++ -c -o ._wbuildsrcgamewskill.o -O2 -march=native -mt une=native -Wall -static-libgcc -static-libstdc++ -g -DWIZARD -DLOCAL_SAVES -D USE_ZLIB -Isrcgame -I./src/felib -I./windoze/include -I./windoze/include/SDL s rcgamewskill.cpp ...failed C++ ._wbuildsrcgamewskill.o ... ...skipped ivan.exe for lack of <src!game>actset.o... ...failed updating 40 targets... ...skipped 2 targets... C:k8-i-v-a-n>
set MINGW=/install/path/to/mingw/compiler set JAM_TOOLSET=MINGW
C:k8jam>jam Compiler is GCC with Mingw warning: unknown rule set-profile warning: unknown rule set-target-locations warning: unknown rule gcc-suggest-attrs warning: unknown rule softinclude warning: unknown rule softinclude warning: unknown rule BuildFileList warning: unknown rule IncFile warning: unknown rule ObjectNoAliasing don't know how to make <src>jamgram.c ...found 161 target(s)... ...using 24 temp target(s)... ...updating 3 target(s)... ...can't find 1 target(s)... ...can't make 3 target(s)... ...skipped <src>jamgram.o for lack of <src>jamgram.c... Cc srchsregexp.o srchsregexp.c:87: hsregexp_unicode_mapping.c: No such file or directory gcc -c -o srchsregexp.o -DNT -DMKJAMBASE_COMPACT -Isrc srchsregexp.c ...failed Cc srchsregexp.o ... Cc srckstrings.o srckstrings.c:9: warning: invalid character in macro parameter name srckstrings.c:9: badly punctuated parameter list in `#define' gcc -c -o srckstrings.o -DNT -DMKJAMBASE_COMPACT -Isrc srckstrings.c ...failed Cc srckstrings.o ... Cc srcscan.o srcscan.c:24: jamgram.h: No such file or directory srcscan.c:33: jamgramtab.h: No such file or directory gcc -c -o srcscan.o -DNT -DMKJAMBASE_COMPACT -Isrc srcscan.c ...failed Cc srcscan.o ... ...skipped libjam.a for lack of libjam.a(jamgram.o)... ...skipped jam.exe for lack of libjam.a... ...failed updating 3 target(s)... ...skipped 3 target(s)...