Wow, Cerumen, This is looking pretty cool now. Is the stationary mammoth behemoth along the lines of danger that baby mammoths are? If so, isn't that a lot more deadly than Genetrix?
The stationary mammoth behemoth is currently just Genetrix with mammoth flesh and a different graphic

(he also spawns carnivorous plants, heh)
The chief difference is that you can actually eat him after you kill him
Also, currently, with unmodified enemies, the game is pretty hard due to a shortage of strong materials. I've made bones, obsidian and flint stronger and left bronze and iron (very rare, and stronger) in, but still, you usually end up wearing all bronze.
(I've also left in mithril, currently, but it doesn't fit in very well)
If you have any suggestions for new materials or modifyig the current ones, I'm all ears. I'm thinking of things like petrified bone (stronger than regular, maybe a level below ommel one, if ommel bone gets leaved in), jade, and more rock-related materials (what could be used for weapons apart from obsidian and flint?).
It may also be necessary to make the current materials vary more, since flint/obsidian/copper produce roughly the same results, but it's fun to test the neolithic stage materials idea