Nicknames for Uniques Sticky

Dec 11, 2007, 8:43 pm
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Genetrix Versana the mother carnivorous plant = Trixy, Mom, Jenny
Rondol the kobold patriarch = Ron
Guugzamesh the goblin king = Gus
Ur Khan = Urky
Golgor Dhan = Danny
Sherarax the mistress queen = Raxy, Sherry
Ischaldirh the dark archmage = Izzy
Vladimir the gigantic carnivorous mutant bunny = Vlad

Original thread:
Dec 11, 2007, 11:03 pm
Petty Tyrant

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Anyone who actually uses Trixy or Raxy should be shot.
Wait, let me get this straight... you hit the button? OH SHI-
Dec 12, 2007, 10:32 am
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They were (minus "Mom") the original nicknames that were used until Freelance came up with the new ones. I didn't know you didn't like them.
Dec 12, 2007, 3:34 pm
Petty Tyrant

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I've always said Genetrix and Sherry. Trixy sounds like a two bit hooker and Raxy sounds like the nasty disease you would get from her.
Wait, let me get this straight... you hit the button? OH SHI-
Dec 12, 2007, 3:57 pm
Adorable Wolfie Pup

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Good one, U_E. Maybe you should switch the two around, though. Then you'd be right on with what's proven in the game...
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Dec 23, 2007, 11:26 pm
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I used to call Sherarax, Miss X or Miss S.
Dec 29, 2007, 11:08 pm
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Zayre said something in the IRC last night that made me laugh.

Long story short, new name for Izzy:

Dec 31, 2007, 6:43 pm
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Uchuudonge wrote
creating stable chaos
making patterns where there should be none
sewing order into the chaos
you spit in the face of random numbers, of chaos
Jan 24, 2008, 9:03 pm
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lmao!Btw,I'm finally founfd the new forum.It's almost as if you didn't WANT me to find it...
Jan 25, 2008, 1:36 am
Ex-Tyrant of the IVANers

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I know! It's not like there were messages everywhere about it...

By the way, aren't there more named uniques in LIVAN? I think they deserve some nicks too, don't you?
"Put more stuff in the... thing where... more stuff goes in."
Jan 25, 2008, 3:37 am
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Menatrix fusaga = Menny?

</got nothing>
Jan 25, 2008, 4:05 am
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Oh, yeah. I came up with the name by mixing Genetrix Versana with Menacing Fungus.
Uchuudonge wrote
creating stable chaos
making patterns where there should be none
sewing order into the chaos
you spit in the face of random numbers, of chaos
Jan 25, 2008, 5:17 am
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It shows.
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You hear distant shuffling.

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Jan 27, 3:54 am
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Sir Haedlac Galladon VII = "Gal-Pal" (of Petreus), "Gallon-dong"
The first one became such a meme in my tiny gaming group...
Ur-Khan = "Orc Norris"
Spawned countless "Orc Norris Facts"
Ischaldirh = "Bless you"
His name sounds vaguely like someone sneezing
Golgor Dhan = "Gol' Damn" - often said when sighting him for the first time in a game

New versions, new uniques, new names:
High Lady Kauhistuttava = "Queen Kut-tut"
Lady Decora = "Decor-Thor"
Moryggan = "Moggy" (british slang for dog)
Efra Peredivall = "HEEP" (His Excellency Efra Peredival)
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Jan 27, 5:17 am
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Dark-Star2018 wrote
Moryggan = "Moggy" (british slang for dog)

This one is great.
Feb 2, 8:39 pm
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Gallon-dong is incredible.

Please share some of the Orc Norris facts
Feb 4, 11:07 pm
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capristo wrote
Gallon-dong is incredible.

Please share some of the Orc Norris facts

Oh, y'all are gonna make me dig into the archives? Ok then! I'll limit myself to the ones that weren't completely stupid/insane/brain-bleach-needed.

* Orc Norris has to wear a RUBY belt because nothing else could contain him.
* Orc Norris can divide by zero - with his halberd, because it's just that sharp.
* Everyone in the town of Rivendale is related to Orc Norris because long ago he stayed there one night and slept with ALL the women before sunrise.
* Orc Norris successfully milked a male Ommel. (remember the bottles he carries with him?)
* Lobh-se tried wrapping up Orc Norris in a cocoon. She got totally exhausted just from getting around his giant leg muscles. So he just walked away with a snazzy new pair of boots.
* When Orc Norris wanted an Angel Hair cloak, he just kicked an altar until an angry archangel came around, grabbed her hair with one hand...and pulled.
* Orc Norris causes earthquakes when he does push-ups, which is why he's not allowed to do his daily 200 pushups inside a cave or dungeon.
* A dragon ate Orc Norris once. He just cut some armor to fit from the inside-out.
* Orc Norris is immune to foul gases after surviving off nothing but pea soup for a year.
* Why did Orc Norris roar so loudly in one direction when nobody else saw anything? Someone a mile away insulted his mother.
* Orc Norris is a marshal instead of a general because wherever he goes, there is a new sheriff in town!
* Why does Orc Norris NEVER take off his dragon hide armor? He has a harem of lady dragons he visits every night!
* How did Orc Norris make enough sushi to feed an entire army? Jump into a group of giant sharks and start slicing.
* Orc Norris can kick open any door. One smartass built a fortress with no gates to try and keep him out, so Orc Norris just carved a new one through 10 feet of stone and kicked THAT open!
* Why did all the eagles die after plummeting to the ground when Orc Norris went by? They were desperately trying to land so they could bow to him!
* When Orc Norris' daughter wanted a new jumprope, he ripped the trunk off a mammoth and brought it home to her.
* If Orc Norris finds an oil lamp he doesn't rub it hoping for a wish - he sticks his hand inside, yanks out the genie, and tells the little towel-headed ghost what he wants.
* One time when Orc Norris was actually exhausted and there wasn't anything else to sit on, he plunked down on an altar of Mortifier to rest. Nothing bad happened because "little old moldy-fart", as Orc Norris called him, knew better than to complain about it!
* Orc Norris put the first satellite in orbit when an octiron golem hit him from behind - he just grabbed the thing's arm and threw.
* Why did Orc Norris tie an entire cotton bale to his little son's bottom? Kid had been a bit naughty that day and earned a swat.
* Why did Orc Norris rip a sapling out of the ground and start carrying it home? His older son had been REALLY naughty and he was going to get a good switching!
* What happened when a wizard tried zapping a Wand of Death at Orc Norris? The grim reaper showed up, yanked it out of the wizard's hand and ran for his un-life!
* How did Orc Norris invent the flamethrower? By eating a dozen cans of pea soup, bending over, and holding a torch up to his britches.
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