Nice. it defintly left a bones, and its in the UT. i was zapping enner with wands and he destroyed my light source, so i retreaded up the stairs to loof for a light source and realized that the only one I could think of would be the light crystals in UT4. so i headed to the UT4 and as soon as i got there Rondol was standing next to me. I ran up the stairs and as soon as I go up he procedded to totally waste my giuy (second best char ever). so next time I get to that level with my torn leather armor and bone spear +1 i should have a grand old time fingthing rondy , who is now wearing my arecanite chain mail and wielding my +6 Mjolak.
another question, do oil lamps provide light? there were no flaming weapons generated in the game, so the only other unbreakable light source I could think of was a light crystal (do they even provide light)