Chiko wrote
I have some question about bones... I've died so many times I'm starting to find the ghosts and corpses of more than one hero wannabe in the same dungeon floor. So here are the questions:
1-Do all heroes leave a bones file when they die or is it just random?
2-If a bone file is loaded, does it get deleted later when the hero that got it dies?
3-If question 2 is yes and the current hero dies outside of a dungeon then all the stuff is gone, amirite?
Also, it seems not everything is saved in a bones files. I found Miller, which died in a magic mushroom infestation but the floor was missing the tons of hostile magic mushroom and corpses. Maybe the monsters were too high lvl for the underwater tunnel so they got deleted to avoid unfairness?
1. Bones files are not guaranteed.
2. Is answered just two posts above yours.
3. Bones files are not generated outside dungeons, so yes, it's all gone.
4. That sounds like there was some data corruption, that shouldn't happen.