First win done. No artificial limbs / pets as usual.
The only cloning wand (2-charge) during the entire run came from a lamp wish after UT3, not a single other mirroring or cloning source. 3 scrolls of charging total, two of which were in the library. Mellis was quite generous with ommel substances, with some cloning I rounded up around 15 cerumen, 8 snot, 8 urine, 5 tears and 1 sweat. Equipment didn't really change after the change to octiron in TX10, found a max of around 4 of EA/EW each deeper in.
Some probably incoherent sleepy rambling on the level of difficulty follows:
The difficulty curve felt off. Levels TX1 thru 6(?) were rather easy even in really poor equipment (stolen from a mistress torturing chief from Nefas). Compared to GC, I'd been torn to shreds on the wolf level. Aside from a few danger spikes (accidentally releasing a veteran dwarf from the oasis), there were no real actual hazards up until mages started appearing. Even then an amulet of elemental prot mostly countered them. Combined with the relative lack of instantly recognizable elements, being rather easy meant most of the levels felt like filler instead of interesting places to explore.
Let's look at the pacing in GC for comparison:
GC2: Wolf level!
GC3: Huge level with a minefield!
(could have wolves here here instead)
GC4: Breather filler
(might have the earlier things here too)
GC5: Enner beast level!
GC6: Zombie level!
GC7: Dark frog level!
GC8: Breather filler with Ivan
GC9: Elpuri level!
GC10-GC11: You're now in hell level!
GC12: Massive room with nasty things level!
GC13: J/K, now you're actually in hell level!
Whereas for TX, based on a single visit so far, uhh... There was the oasis, the shop, the experimental lab, the dwarven room that blew up right after entering the level, the enner kids, the level where you suddenly run into the ghost of Xinroch and the harder levels after that. I'm sure the levels would be easier to tell apart with more attempts. However, with just a single visit I honestly cannot tell them apart because most of the early levels (pre-TX10) were easy to just blitz through without too much thought.
What TX really needs are hazardous elements of interest. Excluding GC8, the GC levels aren't defined by their non-threatening elements (chest room, dungeon shop, hidden chest), but by the threats you need to overcome or avoid on those levels. Those are what make the levels challenging, not the level generation or regular monster spawns. Including dungeon elements that aren't out to kill the player is fine, I just don't believe they should take the spotlight from what I see as the meat of the game. As it stands, there were hardly any difficulty spikes to spice up what felt like simply filler quite similar to GC1 or GC4.
As for the post-TX10 levels, they were pretty alright for x2-x3 ending difficulty. Definitely harder than a freedom ending but not quite reaching the GC11-GC13 levels. The small mage room felt like something you can actually take on dependably, as opposed to the magical murderfest that is the GC mage room. Invisible elder dark mages were a lovely hassle to deal with. Xinroch himself could be buffed a bit, he felt less of a threat than even Elpuri.
I'm assuming there was some possible victory involving raiding Attnam, but I couldn't find any in-game breadcrumbs hinting at that. What're the other victory triggers?
Other random thoughts:
* Overall look in pre-TX10 levels is indeed pretty close to GC. Some more differentiation would be nice, though I don't know what that could be at this point.
* The level with a friendly necromancer gets really annoying when zombies start to pile up. 1-tile wide tunnels really don't fit having a mass of neutral NPCs milling about. Waiting behind a rolling zombie torso to get anywhere is not fun. How about just replace the master necromancer with a new caster type NPC that doesn't reanimate things?
* The kitchen feels rather useless as it stands. With regular Mellis prayers, I was not in any danger of starving at any point.
* Already mentioned elsewhere, but I do agree that the gas chamber explodes too easily from passing monsters.
* Maze rooms should not IMO be generated with an altar. Being cut off from all other gods in a particularly twisty tunnel seems very arbitrary when combined with how long you tend to spend exploring them.
* Maze terrain under walls should match rest of the level, having patches of different material on the ground after an earthquake looks odd.
* In the latter levels, ebony floors with octiron walls makes some mazes too hard to read. I'd suggest choosing a bit lighter floor material for more contrast.
* The tactical level (I think? the long red tunnel place) could possibly have some light sources littered about to let the player use the added sight range.
* why does this fountain have running water in an ice cave
* Is dark knight win a score x2 or x3 ending? I honestly can't tell.
* Sitting when standing on the iron maiden in the Attnam cellar should have some special message. ("You sit in the iron maiden. This doesn't seem safe at all.")
I'll be giving a go at the other wins at some point, but that just about covers my initial thoughts on the dungeon. I'm quite sure there were other things as well at some point, actually keeping notes might've been a nifty idea.