zenith wrote
Woah, that post was legendary indeed, and this idea sounds very promising and exciting. I'd love to help implement this but unfortunately I'm quite occupied for the next couple of weeks (at least). But after that I'm ready to turn my IVAN mode on.
Awesome. I will actually be travelling until the end of October myself, but this won't stop me from holding discussions.
Basically, I'm interested in finding out exactly what we want to get out of a functioning IVAN worldmap. Once we know what we want, then we can start to code it up.
There are heaps of things to consider, and I have been thinking about some of them.
First off, worldmap.cpp needs to be able to generate a world and populate it with dungeon locations in a way that doesn't strictly depend on shaking the box to get a continent with the right terrain types.
In the story, New Attnam is located on a warm tropical island with a climate suitable for growing bananas. Attnam on the other hand, is located in a snowy region, and the sea is meant to be frozen, so ships can’t sail from there to New Attnam.
This suggests that locations have climate data associated with them.
Presently, the game generates a world based on an elevation model and temperature profile (in the z-direction and using latitude), and then hunts through all the continents of a certain size (25 < size < 1000 squares) looking for one that can accommodate all the over-world terrains (owterrains) – that is, dungeon/level locations – that it needs to.
Worldmap is broke and here's some reasons why: Presently, if we add more and more owterrains, then some bad things can happen in the code:
1. We might never find the right continent. Or we might have to wait too long for the right continent to be found. This happens because there are not enough different terrain types on the continent to support the diversity of the owterrains.
2. If a lot of the owterrains have the same ground world terrain type (gwterrain), then some of the locations can be set in the same place. In this case, they are overwritten and you will find that the number of dungeon locations on the same continent in the worldmap is fewer than you expect. In fact, some will simply go missing.
This suggests that we need to
start with a list of the locations we want to put on the map, and then build up the rest of the world by using a model that is seeded by the climate data for each location.
In the plans of the original devs, they imagined other locations, cities, which the PC could visit on the worldmap. From sources we know of
nine others of these locations. It is conceivable that these locations don’t need “unlocking” and that they are always available on the world map. These new cities might have their own child locations, in much the same way that Gloomy caves is a child location for Attnam. So you might pick up a quest at a particular city and that locks you into a particular quest dungeon. That is quite a lot of additional places to accomodate.
Then there is the question of how to place all these locations on the worldmap. At the moment, we have a multiplicity of continents, and all the locations appear on one continent. That is okay, because there are few locations, and the world generation only sometimes throws up a really big continent. Once we introduce more locations, then a small continent might start to feel too small.
We need to start with all the world locations (dungeons) that need to be placed on the map. Use their "climate data" to seed the map; then the build topography around this data and use that to fill in the remaining terrain types. Locations can be placed within an area using a statistical probability map, together with minimum and maximum bounds. This can be helped by making up new terrain types (gwterrain), to give the world a more natural look and feel. We want to increase the variety of terrain types and make them a little more nuanced. Like introducing mountains in places where the elevation supports this, volcanic plateaus, snowy forests and beaches.
Due to the increased number of dungeons, it will be necessary to ensure that these core locations remain accessible. We have yet another design choice; to continue using continents with a largely unperturbed wilderness, or a big Pangea continent with all-reachable squares. Continents are nice, and they are my personal preference, however they impede the PC from moving around the whole worldmap without resorting to gadgetry (belt) or magic (mushrooms). It is kind of the reason why everything is made to appear on one continent at the moment.
So a choice between:
1. Single continent with lakes and seas. New Attnam appears on a suitable island in a lake somewhere. Underwater tunnel goes under the lake. Everything is accessible from one big Gondwanaland.
2. Make an extremely sophisticated continental model that does exactly what we need. Maybe break the world up into bubble-like regions and have a continent appear in each region. Put all the locations on one large continent (800 - 1200 squares)? It would help if the continents were a round shape, rather than long, skinny ones. As part of the model, islands would be seeded in between continents and New Attnam could be placed on one of these.
So in summary:
- Dungeons/cities form part of a list, and each have their own data.
- Climatealogical data of each location provides a reference for seeding a world.
- Need to find a way of getting everything into one location: Change the world building method to one in which we start with a statistical map of dungeon locations, and topography is built around them.
- Have cities/dungeons appear in a range of terrains, for example, Gloomy Caves could be made to appear in either tundra or ice.
- Increase the number of terrain types to smooth things over.
- Terrain types have associated climate data.
What do people think of having the world built either on a Pangaea or on multiple continents?
How should the player access other locations on the map? Should they be in one place?
Should there instead be boats?
Am I overthinking things and should there just be magical transport and one dungeon per continent?