Ok, I think this
64-bit gcc package might be useful for the command-line junkies amongst us:
Update: So far so good, but I think the changes nukes made are throwing up some problems for me. It's probably the way I'm compiling, I'm using the old ivanmgw.mak in MinGW (I moved with the times, using 4.8.2). The whole thing is probably a bit antiquated.
May I ask what compilers others are using?
Update 2: OK so I deleted the spurious semicolons from bodypart.h, char.h and char.cpp and it compiles fine in gcc 3.4.2
Strange, utterly strange and makes no sense. Oh well, at least it compiles. The executable needs SDL.dll to run. This should probably be added to the repo (?)
Right, we should collect all our ideas and things we discussed from the beginning and come up with a development plan.