chaostrom wrote

You don't have to have a numpad. I don't have one on this laptop of mine and I play just fine. Use Home, Pg Up, Pg Dn, End.
My Home, Pg Up, Pg Dn, and End keys are placed very inconveniently for me, and not in a pattern where the directions make any sense, at least not to muscle memory. I have been using the Fn numpad when needed, but I like playing IVAN speedily, and going through GC 6 trying to angle myself to hit the kamikaze dwarf with a wand of striking before he blows up my angel, just removes the tension when I have to stop and stare at my keyboard to find the light blue numbers hidden in my letter keys. I would rather it be really fast paced and entertaining.
Which reminds me, today I would've died by a veteran kamikaze dwarf in GC 6, but I prayed to silva, not knowing this would screw up the game. I loaded the auto save and lived. Good ol' glitch saves.