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Valpurus the Great Frog is the highest of all gods. The Wise know that the world is really a square pancake which He carries on His back. This is why the Cathedral and the whole city of Attnam are dedicated to His worship. His alignment is L++ (extremely lawful)


You should only pray to Valpurus after being called his Champion. Valpurus will either give you a Valpurium Two-Handed Sword (1500g, DAM 7-12, accurate, almost unbreakable) or a Valpurium Shield (1050g, highly accurate, almost unbreakable). He may also send an Angel, but unlike the other gods he will not send his archangel Inlux, since Inlux is in the service of the Cathedral.

If you pray to him when you are not his Champion, he will smite you with a small hammer which will cause damage to your head (but will not kill you, unless your head is already wounded.)



There is an altar to Valpurus in the Cathedral of Attnam. It is watched by a Priest who will cure leprosy, re-attach limbs, or summon new limbs (for a price).

Aligned Items

Offering these items to Valpurus at his altar will receive a greater bonus towards your relation with Him:

The Justifier, Shirt of the Golden Eagle, Left Nut of Petrus

Or any item made of the materials valpurium or golden eagle feather