I was playing around with LIVAN (which is definitely much easier than other versions simply because of the large terrains and better guaranteed loot. I was pretty stacked, think all armor and weapons being top level material above valpurium+8-9 except for a GEF cloak+9 and a GEF chameleon whip+9 (great for breaking the power curve).
(See Pic 1)
I killed everyone in the vault, and the shops thanks to some archangels, and killed every named enemy and Elipuri up to Sherry, who I died to. It was quite ironic since my weapons of polymorphing and permanent haste were inspired by her, but that isn't what this post is about. It's about the
worst magicial mushroom infestation to have ever graced-or disgraced possibly any version of LIVAN- combined with the dwarven minefields. The minefields were no problem,
SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.I just took the belt of levitation from ol' Pong Pong
, but I lingered there too long chasing down a magpie who had stolen Masamune (which I never even got back, the bitter irony). Unbeknownst to me, magic mushrooms began mutiplying. I noticed eventually, and attempted to stamp out the infection, which is a lot easier than said when everything was invisible, floating, and polymorphed into decently dangerous enemies. About 2 days after, I gave up. Later, when I decked out my int stat and got Vormav, I tentatively stepped back into the level to witness this:
(See Pic 2)
The most horifying parts were when I prayed to Legifer, exploding the rusted walls to the dwarven minefield, revealing tiles upon tiles of raw vapourized magic coating every direction. This isn't even including the fact that mushrooms aren't sentient beings, so ESP couldn't see them. By the time I died, the path from GC3's entrance to GC4's entrance had a least 4 magic mushroom corpses on each tile.
Speaking of my death, I finally found out why my game started to lag:
(See Pic 3)
Anyone got anything worse than this?