
May 14, 2008, 11:39 pm
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I got dolphins from a fountain for the second time in 3 years of playing IVAN. The first time (last year?) I got a friendly dolphin that was promptly killed by other enemies but this time I got 8 enemy dolphins. They sprout with their own water square and cannot mover. They are on UT3 and spawned early in the game. Once I get 50 Wis and 50 Int I'll tame them and scitalk with them. Between the Cathedral dolphins and the fountain dolphins I should be able to get over 200 INT/WIS I'll post a screen shot if I don;t die before this happens.
May 15, 2008, 12:01 am
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Yeah, for some bizarre reason you get dolphins from fountains sometimes.
Uchuudonge wrote
creating stable chaos
making patterns where there should be none
sewing order into the chaos
you spit in the face of random numbers, of chaos
May 15, 2008, 8:48 am
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holy shit, enemy dolphins? That's awesome. I have gotten a friendly one, only once in my years of playing. Wonder how rare this is.
May 15, 2008, 1:36 pm
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Hows do the increase from Sci talking work exactly? If I have enough Int/Wi to get sci talk, is there a finite amount of It/Wis I can get from talking to one person?

I gues my question is can I just sit there talking to the librarian for 4 hours and get my int/wis through the roof or is it capped somehow?
May 15, 2008, 7:11 pm
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Yeah, it's asymptotic (effectivel capped). There is a psot somewhere on with the details of sci talking. basically you have to work your way up to having enough wis/int to talk to the next level. the major landmarks are kaethos at 15 wis, 20 wis for angels, 40 wis for Arch angels. mystic light/dark frogs and giant dark frogs are good too. Mages and master necromancers are good too. Pray to dulcis is the best way of taming them or you can kill and then resurrect them.
May 16, 2008, 4:13 pm
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I've seen friendly dolphins at least once before. This roughly just means that I both die and drink from fountains a lot.

And I didn't ever got a stat increase from sci-talk in my life IIRC. Tried it with banana growers before, but got so bloody bored I resigned any further attempts - maybe I was just doing it wrong.
May 16, 2008, 9:12 pm
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I died. So much for 200 Int/Wis. It'll be another two years before I get dolphins from a fountain again.
May 17, 2008, 12:31 am
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Cerumen wrote
I've seen friendly dolphins at least once before. This roughly just means that I both die and drink from fountains a lot.

And I didn't ever got a stat increase from sci-talk in my life IIRC. Tried it with banana growers before, but got so bloody bored I resigned any further attempts - maybe I was just doing it wrong.

Banana growers won't help much. The best way to boost your Int & Wis at an early stage is simply, reading scrolls, books, and praying and offering. This will usually get you to about 20 for each. Only then is it worth science talking. Once you get to 20 Int/10 Wis, talk to the librarian. You'll see the boost immediately.
May 19, 2008, 10:11 pm
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Kaethos gives a 3 wis 2 int boost once you hit 15 wis. Decos givves a 1 int boost at 15 char. You can usually get 1 wis from the farmers and light frogs (10 wis for farmers, 15 for small light frogs) taming greater dark frogs is worthwhile i think it needs 15 int but maybe it;s 20
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