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Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 7:50 pm
or of course you can just sodm octiron(find trap) or adamant(find the chest).
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 7:49 pm
octiron are only in the secret vault on GC7-9.

It's pretty easy to find if you get Vladimir to follow you on GC8, bring him up to GC7 if its not on 8, and let Elpuri mine away GC9 or just kill him and get vladimir to follow you.
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 7:46 pm
you're gonna die soon
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 2:27 am
You can find mithril bear traps than spawn randomlyand there are octiron beartraps in the secret room that spawns randomly in GC7-9 (not to be confused with the GC2-5 secret room which usually has a mithril trap). For better beartraps you have to SoCM them or harden (adamant). I thought a diamond bear trap would be cool but i haven;t made one yet. Perhaps it is possible for octiron/adamant/valpurium traps to spawn when level is created but it has never happened to me.

Edit: actually come to think of it I have found adamant traps that spawn randomly but it is very rare.
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 1:58 am
Post info here you find about the origins of IVAN materials

e.g. Most everyone knows Mithril is Elven metal from JRR Tolkein's books.

Octiron is described in Terry Pratchett's Discworld universe

Arcanite is and actual real mineral (Potassium Sulphate)

Adamant history:
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 1:47 am
you choke on the web. you lose consciousess.

oh the humilitation
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 1:42 am
Lol. I wasn't hostile. its the damn internet emotion doesn;t come through. Everyone has their own playing styles, eg. I don;t use artificial limbs because it makes the game too easy. I was just wondering what you opinion was of exploding baddies. So, whaddya think? Exploit? or smart IVAN?
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 1:38 am
yeah, I have tried several times when starving to death to survive by eating a kobold but every time it has ended in me starving to death while unconcious :x
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 12:48 am
Well I only do it if I have low HP when i meet them but i would say it is less of an exploit than SoCMing your limbs to PF/AH/SS/GEF which is legitimate gameplay. I have been killed by a nymph hair wearing Golgor Dhan before. It is also waaaaaaay safer to just blow them up with two big backpacks and a wand. Is blowing them up an exploit?
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 12:38 am
giant spider bites are deadly with 37 HP,
as for what to do: stop and heal or pray to Seges, or put on a ring or poison resistance