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Posted by slob, Apr 29, 2008 at 8:29 pm
Doalag wrote
Ok thanks for the suggestion, that's really complicate, for UT3, it's stairs down or up? I remember only 2 stairs up.

If you are on the world map and levitate across the ocean to the mainland and go down the exit to UT, the stairs that are normally blocked by Genetrix Versana, then she will be moved and the stairs will be open, allowing you to sell gear in attnam without beating GV.
Posted by slob, Apr 29, 2008 at 6:09 pm
No. but you have to set the trap outside of a building. For example, to sever all of huang ming pongs limbs you can place traps in the tile immediately south of his door. Then place more traps in the tile just south of that (2 south of his door). Then drop food over the second set of traps. laugh as he hauls his fat ass out of his hut to get the food. Pick up the food when he is stuck in the first trap. then move NW or NE to stand beside him and laugh. He will then proceed south and get stuck in the second set of traps. In the meantime you can reset the first set of traps so that he will get stuck in them when he drags his legless body back to his hut. If you don't mind being chaotic you can then eat his severed limbs to get bloated and challenge him for the belt of levitation.
Posted by slob, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:33 pm
Remember the movie the fly? If you teleport while covered with enemy blood then there could be a chance that their DNA will get mixed up with yours and you will gains special powers/disabilities.
Posted by slob, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:28 pm
Doalag wrote
Is there any way to make money in the beginning? So you could attempt go back in first town to buy some banana.

there are a few ways.

1. Beat the sumo and getthe Decos Banana Company shirt. Wear it in the dungeon and then go see Richel Decos - he really does pay you for advertising. Sumo can easily be beaten with beginning game stats if you take all his limbs off with bear traps. You can also use the belt to levitate over to attnam to sell gear without going to UT3

2. Eat mushrooms or drink from fountains until you levitate. Take you ger to attnam and sell it without passing UT3. If you go down the UT3 exit stairs from outside then Genetrix will be displaced just as if you teleported her away.

3. Teleport Genny (or pray to silva, or use the mushroom levitation trick above, or get belt of levitatin) and then sell gear in attnam without beating Genny.
Posted by slob, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:20 pm
yeah ZQ-29 is deadly if you have low hp, shitty armour and low agility. Did it kill you with one shot or did you miss an opportunity to teleport away? The nice thing about ZQ-29 is it doesn;t heal (like Xinroch).
Posted by slob, Apr 28, 2008 at 10:19 am
I think it makes perfect sense. If you have a bacterial disease and have a limb severed and then get treated with anitbiotics, if the limb is reattached then you will get sick again. But, if you attach the limb first and then take antibiotics then you will be completely cured. This is not a bug but rather a well thought out trap by the Devs. I bet they had to code in special severed limb disease status to make this happen.

By your logic you should be able to cure youself of leprosy by reading a scroll of teleport, you know, magical energies and such.......
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 11:45 pm
I.m pretty sure you can just post it here. there are lots of files bigger than 2 MB posted here already for others to download.
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 11:36 pm
The priestess of Silva is in the little two tile hut to the right (east) of Richel Decos Palace in New Attnam, the town you start at. For 10 gold she can reattach limbs if you carry them back to her. She can also cure you of leprosy or lycanthropy for 20 gold. If you get cured of leprosy and then have her put the limb back on, it will give you leprosy again.
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 11:33 pm
The game can be won but it takes a while to learn all the tricks. Challenging and fun. I love this game. I just wish the developers would contiue with the project.
Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 7:52 pm
if you find a stethoscope use it on yourself after fighting zombies and orcs to makes sure you didn't get leprosy