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Posted by slob, Apr 27, 2008 at 12:37 am
UT Food Guide
Cans: banana flesh, mushroom, pea soup, ommel cerumen, ommel snot
Bottles: troll blood, healing potion, water, antidote, ommel tears, ommel urine, ommel sweat, Valdemar, Vodka
Food: bananas, kiwis, pineapples, beef, pork, bread
Corpses: puppies, jackals, gibberlings, magpies, rats, bats, hedgehogs, giant musrooms, goblins, kamikaze dwarves, white or grey unicorns, blink dogs, floating eyes, Humans (mages, necromancers, mistresses, dark knights - makes you chaotic),wolves, moose, lions, bears, mammoths
If you have polycontrol: mutant bunnies, mutant asses, magic mushrooms, werewolves
If you are starving (or have antidote): orcs, zombies (makes you chaotic)
Food from the Gods:
Seges (praying fills you to satiated or cures exhaustion if already satiated)
Mellis (pray with empty bottles or cans)
Silva (pray in town kill wolves and eat)
Cruentus (pray to get troll blood)
Nefas (pray to get mistress, eat her banana, take all equipment, then eat her (makes you chaotic)
Loricatus (pray when he is angry to turn what you are wielding into banana flesh)
Magical food sources: wand of polymorph (polypile!), SoCM (make something edible if you are starving to death), scroll of wishing/spirit/genie (if you are starving to death its better to wish for a book of a god that will feed you, than food itself

Never eat/drink: Snakes, spiders, kobolds, black unicorns, dark frogs, sulphuric acid, poison
Posted by slob, Apr 26, 2008 at 5:01 pm
I think the biggest problem is the Arch mages zapping the fuck out of you with magical explosions and massive bursts of electricity. Not to mention disenchanting your gear.
Posted by slob, Apr 26, 2008 at 4:58 pm
Oops, I forgot one of the best tips.

Get some unenchante nymph hair gear (gloves, boots, armour) drop a pile of it in the name baddies way. They will drop their kick ass gear and equip the nymph hair stuff making them way easier to kill.
Posted by slob, Apr 26, 2008 at 4:56 pm
Damn, I got careless and got killed by an orc. Was up to 41 dex, and 37 Astr but only had 98 HP. It wil probaby be a while before I have time to train another character.
Posted by slob, Apr 26, 2008 at 4:53 pm
BDR wrote
I tested it in wizmode, and you are correct. It's not possible, in fact to golem-ify any of those first three materials (even though golems of said materials are possible to spawn).

Another little detail that I don't think has been mentioned yet: Exhaustion appears to train Dex and Agi, or at least speeds up the training quite a bit. A recent game of mine hit 20 Dex and 18 Agi about 3/4ths of the way through Day 2, and hadn't even gotten past Jenny yet (he died to a lucky giant carnie plant, the bastard).

No that is incorrect. Exhasution does not train AGI!!!! Different character have different abilities to train stats. I have noticed it lots. Some chars train Int and wis like crazy, others Agi, or Astr. I think it must be coded somewhere.
Posted by slob, Apr 25, 2008 at 5:56 pm
OK. I'll give it a go this weekend. Check back tomorrow or sunday - should be ready by then.
Posted by slob, Apr 25, 2008 at 5:54 pm
That is pretty hilarious. Wearing an AoLS and then getting decapitated by a rat. Death awaits you with big sharp pointy teeth
Posted by slob, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:45 pm
Anyone interested in playing beyond the Portal? I could set up a char that should be capable of a High Priest win and Post a savefile just before he enters the portal, laden with goodies. Then you can see how far you get.
Posted by slob, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:41 pm
no worries, i though it was funny
Posted by slob, Apr 25, 2008 at 2:39 pm
I thought I'd share some things I've learned for dispatching the really dangerous named baddies - namely Ur Khan, Golgor Dhan, and Sherarax. These apply to natural limb games, if you are an artificial limber then kiling these guys is easy.

General tips

Beef up Astr, Dex, Agi, and HP. it's nice to have over 30 for Astr and Dex (over 40 is possible and I have topped 50 once). Agi is best over 20, 30+ is awesome. HP below 200 means hello one-shot death, I prefer 300+ for safety.

Use wands of slow (on them) and haste (on you) I pretty much always get perma haste nowadays - it rocks.

Don't use wands of striking, fireballs, or holy bananas, or mines or backpacks. A pile of backpacks and a well timed wand of striking means an easy kill but it also means good bye goodies, Ur Khan has 4 bottles of ommel urine, Golgor Dhan has 3 SoEA and 3 SoEW, Sherry has scrolls of taming and wands of haste (can;t remeber how many). I think Ur Khan has best loot and Sherarax the worst of the three.

Do use bear traps. Mithril or better. Octiron or adamant bear trap rule and valpurium, well they are fcuking awesome. plant a bunch of them like 4 or so and then lure the baddy over them. Whack away at them until they nail you with a good shot and then teleport away and drink a healing potion. Repeat.

Enjoy your loot!