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Posted by slob, May 11, 2008 at 12:31 pm
That would be a cool way to get the Justifier. Give Attnam Leprosy and get Petrus to chase you until his right arm falls off
Posted by slob, May 10, 2008 at 9:23 pm
Posted by slob, May 10, 2008 at 7:40 pm
If you are going to pray to Infuscor you have two good choices - pray Mortifer to Mellis if you wan't Neerc Seulb or pray Infuscor to Loricatus. If you pray to only 2 Gods then you are not realizing you maximum religious potential.

Prayin to a God (or offering or reading a book) boosts your relation ship with that god and gods that are within one alignment unit. It has no effects on gods that are two alignment units away and has a deleterious effect on your relation ship with gods 3 or more units away. In practice what this means in that you can pick a central god and then pray to gods within 2 alignment units on either side. Eg., I usualy pick Silva as my central god and then can pray to Mellis, Loricatus, Silva, Sophos, Dulcis and Seges. Therefore, if you want to pray to Infuscor and Scabies, you could also pray to Cruentus, Nefas, Cleptia, Mellis and Loricatus (or swap Mortifer for loricatus). Of course if you pick mortifer it means just read his books and donate bones/skulls/scythes, eat human flesh etc.

Once you become champion of all these gods then you can start adding other gods within 3 alignment units of center, or you can move your center 1 and start praying to other gods.

Just to give you an idea of how much you can move around, I have become a champion of Cruentus and champion of Valpurus in the same game (but not at the same time). Note, the higher your wisdom the more of an effect praying/offering has and thus the easier it is to change your alignment/gods.
Posted by slob, May 10, 2008 at 3:22 pm
they are easy to evade with telecontrol.
Posted by slob, May 10, 2008 at 3:20 pm
To pray to scabies you really need some kind of polycontrol. If you have a ring it is no prob, if you don;t have a ring you can either let a few magic mushrooms grow on a level and get polycontrol by going in and out of the clouds or pray to infuscor with ESP and Telecontrol to get him to give you polycontol. Once scabies likes you well enough she will give you a ring of Polycontrol. It's lots of fun when she gives a whole level Leprosy (You sense a vile disease spreading)
Posted by slob, May 10, 2008 at 1:07 am
yeah if you accidently steal one thing then you might as well clean out the store and the library before you leave town.
Posted by slob, May 9, 2008 at 5:34 pm
if you are burdened or stressed you are more likely to set off the trap when you set it. just drop enough gear to be unburdened, set the trap, and then pick up your gear.
Posted by slob, May 9, 2008 at 5:32 pm
That would be too easy to abuse.

I hate when you are invisible and think you are selling a bunch of stuff at the store but then reallize you just donated 3000 gp worth of booty to the store because you weren;t paying attention to the "the shopkeeper cannot see you. Are you sure you still want to drop this?"
Posted by slob, May 9, 2008 at 1:42 am
Once after I killed Petrus, everyone else stopped fighting. I haven't been able to repeat this. Maybe I killed him without harming anybody else?
Posted by slob, May 7, 2008 at 1:43 pm
Well you did pretty well getting to GC 12. just one more level and you would have met Oree the Blood Daemon King