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Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 27, 2018 at 6:24 am
How? Sirens should not be able to do anything to creatures of the same team:

truth character::ReceiveSirenSong(character* Siren)
  if(Siren->GetTeam() == GetTeam())
    return false;


Wait, did she steal Justifier after you tamed her? That could be the same bug that causes her to steal from non-hostile player.

To do: The check above should be for hostility, not the same team... Also creatures immune to whip of thievery must be made immune altogether.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 26, 2018 at 5:33 am
It might be also nice to do something about the instakill effect of water. Either making the player try to scramble for adjacent ground tile when he falls in (ala Nethack), or drain torso HP from drowning (ala POWDER).
Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 26, 2018 at 3:19 am
If we ever want to do something more with liquid terrains, it would be nice if we made all items sink below the surface based on their density - so item dropped on liquid terrain but made of material with density lesser than the liquid, or items which grant levitation, would remain on the surface.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 25, 2018 at 2:50 am
chaostrom wrote
I'm beginning to think SoBS is in need of some serious balancing.

Me too. I thought requiring high enough Int and Cha to body switch, plus many humanoids being extra fragile or unable to read will balance it, but obviously some creatures are way too easy to tame and way too powerful.

At least it doesn't seem to be more broken than phoenix feather limbs.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 20, 2018 at 3:43 am
chaostrom wrote
Is it just me or has the original post disappeared?

Yeah, it's gone... or was it ever there?!?!?!
Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 20, 2018 at 3:41 am
badbeaver wrote
That was REALLY frustrating, but I learned my lesson. Next time she won't get away easily.

I bet she'll polymorph you into a giant spider one her first hit or something similar.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 20, 2018 at 3:39 am
capristo wrote
I thought about that but disagree. Then you could just put them on and take them off over and over again to spread out the lifetime.

Yeah, that's my thinking, too.

capristo wrote
There are additional ways to preserve them until you need them though...

SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
leave it on another level

Or SPOILER ALERT. Click here to see text.
slow it with a wand of slowing.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 19, 2018 at 4:27 am
Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 6, 2018 at 9:39 am
What would you say if we moved dwarven gas chamber to TX 2 to 4?

It can be generated on floors 4 to 6 right now, but floor 5 is Enner level. Thus, it's generated on Enner level in 1/3 of all games, exploding pretty much immediately after the player enters the floor. This is no fun, because the loot is burned/gone and it's safe for the player to pick up the pieces (if any) as all mines are already gone. The minefield in GC is IMHO so fun because it offers good loot very early, but at the very high risk of loosing the loot or your life, because you also tend to be underprepared by that stage of the game.

So, what if we moved the gas chamber upwards in the dungeon? It will not be exploded by Enners, offer nice loot a bit earlier, but also at a very dangerous price.
Posted by red_kangaroo, Jan 4, 2018 at 4:27 pm
Sirens cannot confuse you. You have to be doing something else to get confused.

The loss of stamina I feel is just okay, because if it was weaker, sirens would have no chance to actually make a visible dent into your stamina reserves (just look how long it takes for you to run out of stamina later in the game where sirens spawn more often). And it's still very easily counterable with water if you cannot kill the siren before becoming Exhausted.

I actually think the only nasty effect is the charming of pets. Sirens won't even run away when they steal something, and are fragile enough to kill even if they steal your weapon.