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Posted by red_kangaroo, May 14, 2018 at 2:01 am
fejoa wrote
What happens when you increase states from 32 to 64 in ivandef.h?

That only defines the number of states currently in game. You can see it was increased with each PR that added a new state. If you oncrease it beyond 32 and add a new state, you'll overflow into POLYMORPHED.
Posted by red_kangaroo, May 13, 2018 at 12:37 pm
It slowly lowers Wis.
Posted by red_kangaroo, May 10, 2018 at 5:43 am
fejoa wrote
Isn't there a "MAX_NUMBER_OF_STATES" variable somewhere in char.cpp?

I didn't find anything like that, only this note:

DecreaseTemporaryStateCounter works only when State == 2 ^ n!

I'm not sure whether this will not require some rework on states. :/
Posted by red_kangaroo, May 10, 2018 at 12:51 am
There are normal, visible (and also ESP visible, AFAIK) worms (they just have small sprite), plus there is an infection status effect that will slowly spawn more worms from your flesh if you don't cure it.

But I'm thinking about slightly nerfing the damage they can do at once, so they will be more a risk-over-time than immediate grave danger.
Posted by red_kangaroo, May 8, 2018 at 1:36 pm
They are extremely squishy and slow, so kill them quickly. Also they cannot psi-blast you if you have ESP immunity from tin helmet.
Posted by red_kangaroo, May 7, 2018 at 7:11 am
fejoa wrote
I can also see that Ivan Gorovits needs more radiation on his level. Can you add a nuclear bomb to his level, and some depleted uranium stocks as well?

fejoa wrote
I'm a fan of linking materials up by dungeon theme, something the Tomb of Xinroch lacks at the moment to differentiate it more from Gloomy Caves.

Like AllowedDungeons for materials? That would definitely be interesting and flavourful.
Posted by red_kangaroo, May 7, 2018 at 6:37 am
fejoa wrote
Are we there already? I didn't know we'd get there so soon.

Yeah, I tried to add a nice new fungal disease and overflowed into POLYMORPHED.

fejoa wrote
Have you tried increasing it to 64?

I have no idea how.
Posted by red_kangaroo, May 7, 2018 at 3:36 am
I just found out we have reached the number of status effects the game can handle right now. They are stored as bit shifts in 32-bit and we have 32 effects right now, so adding more will overflow.

Could we change the way they are defined to allow for more effects? I don't actually know why are they defined as bit shifts rather than a progression of numbers, maybe because of speed of calculations?
Posted by red_kangaroo, May 6, 2018 at 10:28 am
Ischaldirh wrote
I still think Cheese would be a good material addition.

I'll add it to the list.
Posted by red_kangaroo, May 6, 2018 at 7:01 am
I was thinking about adding same new materials. However, I want to mostly try to add materials of lower and middle tier, because we already have some good end-game materials and adding more might lead to CLIVAN-like power creep, where you just find way too much high-tier items. Even adding materials with only some minor variations will look nice for finding different equipment, though, so having eg. several iron-tier materials is still worth it for the novelty of finding "iron short sword" once, and "deep bronze short sword" the other time.

Proposed material with their stats can be found in this sheet.

I'll be very glad for any thoughts and comments.