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Posted by fejoa, Dec 26, 2013 at 1:14 pm
I suppose the temperatures could work like illumination is calculated in the levels, except across temperatures from -127 to +127 along one dimension (instead of RGB). So then we'd need a temperature map. Then items could have their own localized temperature and so you could have a flaming sword keeping you warm.
Posted by fejoa, Dec 26, 2013 at 12:14 pm
Yep, the source compiles and saves alright. I think the reason may be that the guy is running linux and our repo isn't cross-platform.
Posted by fejoa, Dec 26, 2013 at 11:12 am
And endurance maybe. I think a hypothermia state would be a cool idea.
Bodyparts could have a characteristic of temperature. The surrounding environment could have a temperature also.
Normal characteristic temperature is 37 deg C.
If the core body temp (head/torso/groin) dips below 35 degrees C say, then hypothermia can set in.
The body temperature function would act to stabilize the core temperature. Each bodypart would serve as a reservoir of heat. Bodyparts at the extremities (arms, legs) could suffer from frostbite etc.

If the surrounding temperature is below 0 deg C, then the extremities begin to lose heat faster than is replenished by normal respiration. The extremities become affected by occurrences of frostbite (uses the scarring code, but on arms/legs only). Rate of heat loss goes with the ambient temperature.
If satiation dips below normal (i.e. hungry etc) then this rate is increased and the head/torso/groin is directly affected by heat loss.
Once 35 degrees is reached, then Hypothermia condition sets in.
Probably need to write a mathematical function representing this... stay tuned.

Vodka increases the rate of heat loss.

Could pray to Legifer to restore all body temperatures to normal?

Could work the other way and have fever conditions.
Could have a new attack type called freeze or chill or something.
Posted by fejoa, Dec 26, 2013 at 7:28 am
Just eat a mushroom
Posted by fejoa, Dec 26, 2013 at 4:38 am
Stair placement is easily fixed using certain devices in the script file (namely BoundedRandom). The tower doesn't necessarily need to be round.
In the tower level, are the levels open? Like open platforms with no walls? Or are there walls surrounding the tower?
Air makes a nice liquid terrain, just tried it out.

Edit: it doesn't matter whether you go up or down the stairs, they are there to connect you to the next level.
Posted by fejoa, Dec 26, 2013 at 4:37 am
it rains blood somewhere in elpuri cave, but rain is handled by game.cpp and would need to be coded (this can be done easily).
Be aware that if it snows on a certain level, then it will snow throughout the whole level, not just one room.

What sort of things will be kept in the cold storage?
Will it be populated by hostile monsters? (polar bears, ice golems etc)
Posted by fejoa, Dec 25, 2013 at 4:29 pm
Ok here is a new thread for discussing a new dungeon(s). It doesn't necessarily have to be cold storage themed. It just needs to be epic.

People who are interested in scripting the dungeon should post here. We will discuss, or post IRC discussions here.

Tasks are divided into:
1) Dungeon scripting (others not including me)
2) coding, compiling and uploading the stuff to the git repo (me and others who are able)
3) eventual playtesting (a separate topic to be posted dungeon by dungeon in the bugs forum)

Basically from the development post we are looking right now for a specification and a plan before executing detailed design.

- dungeon location in the game
- how many levels to the dungeon
- how difficult to make the dungeon (GC, GC+ or GC++?)
- how many monsters
- the difficulty curve

- what sort of themes will the dungeon have?
- what sort of monsters live there?
- special terrain types
- terrain materials
- bosses

New stuff (for coding)
- new monsters
- special encounters with monsters / characters
- new items / artifacts
- new victory conditions

I can understand people will have a multiplicity of ideas. My advice would be work in pairs/groups with people you get along with, or work alone on a secret masterpiece. Don't fret, we can do multiple dungeons.
Posted by fejoa, Dec 25, 2013 at 4:05 pm
Could do. Replace is a strong word though, since the devs put the catacomb there. I don't know what the catacombs were for.
Could be a side-dungeon to the catacombs.
Might go and start a new thread.
Posted by fejoa, Dec 25, 2013 at 12:10 pm
Cool. Shall we stick with the cold storage theme then?
We will need some stalactites and stalagmites... and maybe a Yeti

Get thinking about:
- where will the new dungeon be situated? i.e. side dungeon of GC, or a catacomb, or the silver portal (to the freezer full of pepsi?) ? Or a completely new map location?
- what sort of creatures live there? (polar bears, for starters)
- how many levels to the dungeon?
- what sort of themes will the dungeon have?
- special rooms
- special encounters with monsters / characters
- special terrain types

You can turn the ground to ice in New Attnam for example by typing the following line in dungean.dat:
FillSquare = ICE solidterrain(GROUND), 0;
Posted by fejoa, Dec 24, 2013 at 11:00 am
Guys I'm bored. Who wants to go and build a new dungeon in the project? Azba? Anybody?
I'll put the location in and do any necessary coding.
Got any ideas for new locations / themes?