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Posted by fejoa, Mar 11, 2014 at 12:22 am
4zb4 wrote
This seems like a good solution. Isn't there a tag you can just put on the mustard gas material to stop creatures above a certain intelligence stepping in it, much like there is one for consuming dangerous items?

It's true that the AI will not step into it, but it needs some more code to get the AI to step out of it. All it needs is a check for presence of dangerous gas during StandIdleAI();
Then some sort of command to move away (in biology they call this "chemotaxis").

EDIT: Har har! tested this one out and it works. Lots of fun :3
Holy hand grenade pull pin and drop in cathedral go to dwarf room:
in miscitem.h:
ITEM(holyhandgrenade, item)
	virtual truth IsKamikazeWeapon(ccharacter*) const { return CalculateHasBe(); }
Posted by fejoa, Mar 10, 2014 at 9:15 pm
4zb4 wrote
This one isn't much of a problem outside of LIVAN because mustard gas is nowhere near as powerful in CVS.
I'd be inclined to leave it in, as along with that you're unlikely to find enough mustard gas grenades in a single playthrough to make the mustard gas exploit viable.

Hmm, yeah I see the argument. I tried it out in CVS and it is still possible to take out the high priest with one grenade. I think the AI should be given a chance to respond to it as if it were a terrorist attack.

EDIT: Maybe one way to induce hostility could be to include a small explosive effect when the gas grenade explodes. People who are smart enough should move to step out of mustard gas as well.

I also notice that the holy hand grenade doesn't disappear off to the dwarf room when it is donated to the Cathedral. Even when it is armed...
Posted by fejoa, Mar 10, 2014 at 5:46 pm
Ok I have some code solution candidates for review:

Gas immunity bones message bug
Fixed but needs testing (thanks Pent, Eagle V)
in game.cpp:

if(Name == PlayerName)
	ADD_MESSAGE("This place is oddly familiar. Like you had been here in one of your past lives.");
else if(Player->StateIsActivated(GAS_IMMUNITY))
	ADD_MESSAGE("You feel the cool breeze of death.");
	ADD_MESSAGE("You smell the stench of death.");

The shop door creation bug
In room script file for dungeon shop in ELPURI_CAVE, wrote the following:
AllowLockedDoors = false;
AllowBoobyTrappedDoors = false;

Elite guard taming
Add the following to char.dat under elite guard:
TamingDifficulty = 30; 
(need to check if this works satisfactorily, should it be 30 or 40?)
(can still tame it, but it is more difficult)

Wishing for ommel cerumen
Has been previously attended to; in material.dat:

Library exploit
A missing logical inversion.
In rooms.cpp:
truth library::AllowKick(ccharacter* Char, const lsquare* LSquare) const
  return (!LSquare->GetStack()->GetItems()
	  || !MasterIsActive() || Char == GetMaster()
	  || GetMaster()->GetRelation(Char) == HOSTILE
	  || LSquare->CanBeSeenBy(GetMaster()));
truth library::AllowKick(ccharacter* Char, const lsquare* LSquare) const
  return (!LSquare->GetStack()->GetItems()
	  || !MasterIsActive() || Char == GetMaster()
	  || GetMaster()->GetRelation(Char) == HOSTILE
	  || !LSquare->CanBeSeenBy(GetMaster()));

The banana room exploit
As above, but more difficult to find.
In rooms.cpp:
void bananadroparea::KickSquare(character* Kicker, lsquare* Square)
  if(AllowKick(Kicker, Square) && Kicker->IsPlayer()
     && game::GetTeam(NEW_ATTNAM_TEAM)->GetRelation(Kicker->GetTeam())
     != HOSTILE)
void bananadroparea::KickSquare(character* Kicker, lsquare* Square)
  if(!AllowKick(Kicker, Square) && Kicker->IsPlayer()
     && game::GetTeam(NEW_ATTNAM_TEAM)->GetRelation(Kicker->GetTeam())
     != HOSTILE)

Mustard gas hostility bug (this is a darned tricky one)
Any suggestions?
Posted by fejoa, Mar 10, 2014 at 3:04 am
JoKe wrote
All the three exploits should be fixed, no question about it. Shoplifting would be fine if it was difficult to do, like having a pet carry things out of the shops in Nethack; here you just pile things and kick them.

Turning elite guards untameable or increasing the difficulty to something above the scroll level (lyre?) could be worth consideration as well, doing that completely trivializes GC1-4.

Completely agree. I'll add the elite guard taming as a bug-fix. Those guards are all invisible anyway huh? So the player shouldn't even be meddling round taming those guys in the first place.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 10, 2014 at 12:03 am
Did we fix the mustard gas hostility bug? Might look at that one too.

EDIT: just tested, it is not fixed yet.

EDIT2: I suspect the mustard gas hostility bug arises because masochists don't mind it when you throw things at them.
Posted by fejoa, Mar 9, 2014 at 6:11 pm
Ok, I'm composing a list of small changes to make to the source:

- Gas immunity bones message bug (thanks Pent)
- Fix the shop door creation bug
- Fix the mustard gas hostility bug

Some items for discussion, i.e. should we fix the following:
- Wishing for ommel cerumen, change to make this material unwishable ?
- Fix the library exploit ?
- Fix the banana room exploit ?

I'd like to hear what people think. It would make the game more difficult. Are there any more things that need changing?
Posted by fejoa, Mar 2, 2014 at 5:27 am
That's a subtle bug. Will look into it for a good solution.
Posted by fejoa, Feb 28, 2014 at 3:14 pm
Ha awesome Pent! I've only seen a little bit of gameplay, but it looks good so far. I can't tell when you're taking actions like praying, but I can see the effects of the actions, which makes it exciting
I noticed you can pop the content out into a separate window and re-size it which is cool. Or just go fullscreen.
Posted by fejoa, Feb 22, 2014 at 5:54 pm
This sounds like a cool idea. I wonder why the enner beast never gets hit by his own scream?
It'd need to be balanced out by something.
Let's say the enner beast head, when worn by the PC, emits periodically a scream which affects other monsters and pets, but not the player. It is naturally a very powerful advantage. Let's look at how it would be balanced:
- If you have pets, they would be hurt, making it disadvantageous if the player is a pet lover.
- Nearby mines would be at risk of exploding, even if you're levitating
- bottles of healing potion, ommel fluids etc would break on new levels
- wands would break on levels
- piss the shop guards off
- piss Attnam off
- if the player is deaf, then he won't hear the dwarves singing... ... E:<

Some cons:
- the zombie level (just after the enner beast level) could be abused since it is an open level with monsters all over it, so the player would get an unfair advantage from wearing the head and annihilating the monsters
EDIT: [maybe this advantage is a just one, since that level is ridiculous anyway, without either teleporting to the staircase or having good enough stats to cover the floor with zombie corpses]

Questions to think about:
- Does the enner beast's inventory get affected when he screams? (can test this by putting things (wand of fireballs) in Mr. Enner's inventory in the script file?)
- To that end, should we consider whether the player's own inventory gets affected?
- Should wearing the head make you more chaotic, or just universally piss the gods off?

Leastaways we should try code it and see what happens.
Posted by fejoa, Feb 20, 2014 at 4:40 pm
Man JoKe this is huge. How many in-game days did you spend stat training?
I see Enner beast flesh is magenta, that's cool.