I feel like the software is still too tied to the old phpBB software it was based on a long, long time ago.
For example some of the settings are just strange. "Always attach my signature" - yes or no. Did people actually complain about not being able to disable their signature for certain posts?
Anyways I'm trying to rethink the whole website just to make it easier to discuss things without being stuck to the old idea of "forums" and without it being cluttered with things nobody uses.
Also just making small improvements, for example, you'll notice a lot of the URLs don't have integer IDs anymore
I love when I get in the mood to work on one of my projects. 25 commits to Github so far today. Overall not huge changes but the code is actually so much cleaner and better organized in some ways.
I upgraded the forum software again. It's built on top of the Laravel Framework which recently released version 5. The upgrade from 4 to 5 wasn't too complex but let me know if you experience any issues.
If posting doesn't work, email me at capristo@attnam.com
You can use the l (lowercase L) in the world map to find the cave first, before heading in that direction. That way you don't have to wander around searching for it. Of course... sometimes the route to get there is not as direct as you'd hope